Chapter 26

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Hi guys it's @meg200013 here just wanted to apologise to the co writer for me not doing the last chapter I have been so busy, and didn't know what to put so thanks for writing that for me @Diegoramosishot

And Guys I will be writing the next two chapters.

A few Days Later

German's POV-

Today has been on stressful day I all started off when me and Angie went for a walk, We were walking through the park hand in hand, When I saw a familiar face walking in the other direction. When the woman walked past me she look in to my eyes and smiled, I can't put the face to a name but I do know her from somewhere, Angie squeezed my hand, I must of ignored her, I look at her and I was totally blank I didn't know what she was going on about or any thing.

"Jesus Christ, German!, What is with you lately?" She said, she was clearly very annoyed so it was something important.

"Sorry Angie, I was just thinking about someone.. I mean something" I said panicking I wasn't meant to say that I was thinking of someone else because I should be one of those men who should only be thinking of his fiancée and no one else, Especially when it's someone like Angie, She is just perfect.

I have noticed that she didn't reply after what I said but I noticed her hand was losing grip. I carried on holding it tight not wanting her to let go, We came to a bench and sat down,

"German?" She said while putting her head on her shoulder.

"yes Angie" I said before kissing her on the head,

"What is really on your mind?" She asked, I didn't know what to say, Do I say that it was her and kind of lie or do I tell her the truth?,

"I was just thinking about us Angie, and how lucky I am to have someone like you" I half lied, I was thinking about her but most of the time I was thinking about that woman, she was beautiful but where have I seen her.

I continued to think more and more. But I decided to give up I just watched Angie as she watched me and we were just looking at each other.

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