Chapter 8

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German's POV

What is she doing here? I thought I should pick her up. Anyway Angie just came and we were a few centimeters before our lips met, but then I hear a knock at the door and open it then Priscilla comes and throw her arms around me. What should I tell Priscilla or most imortantly what should I tell Angie. I told I love her just her and no one else, but when she hang up I thought she didn't love me back so I thought I should start a new fresh, but then she came to Buenos Aires to my house just to tell me face to face that she loves me. And now I stand with another lady who has her arm throwed around me.

"Priscilla I thought I should pick you up" I say a little angry.

"I know I'm sorry German, I just couldn't wait. But It looks like you already found another lady" Priscilla says angry.

"I'm sorry Priscilla, but I can't Lie to you so the lady you saw is the one I've been in love with since the first time I saw her. Then I hurted her and she went far away to another country just because of me. And when she maybe finally forgive me I go out with another lady." I say sad.

"Ok German, thank you for telling the truth" Priscilla says a bit sad then going out the door.

I just stand there staring at the door when someone take me on the shoulder. I turn around and sees Angie standing there looking sad.

"What is It Angie?" I ask worried.

"I'm really sorry for destroying things between you" Angie says sad then starts to go out the door.

"Wait Angie" I shout.

Then she turn around and stares at me.

"It's me who should be sorry for what I have done to you so many times. And you still forgive me. I talked to Priscilla and said the truth" I say.

"What truth?" Angie ask confused.

"The truth I told her was that your the one I've been in love with ever since the first time I saw you, I love you Angie Carrara" I say.

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