Chapter 18

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German's POV

In the middle of the pie baking we suddenly here a knock on the door.

"I think David is here, I will go and open the door for him" Angie says.

"No no, I can do it" I say smiling.

Now Is the right time to tell him to stay away from Angie.

I go to the door and opens It.

"Hey Mr German, thank you for inviting me" David says faking a smile.

"That was nothing David" I say faking a smile back.

"I just want to talk to you a bit in my office now. Is It okey for you David?" I ask.

"Yeah sure, why not" David says.

I go into the office and slams the door after David has come into the office too.

"So what do you wanted to talk to me about?" David asks.

"I just want to tell you that you better stay away from Angie or you will regret" I say a bit loud.

"Why would I do that?" David says with a smirk on his face.

"I don't know, I just want to warn you" I say.

"Okey, I understand you. I would be afraid of losing my girlfriend to If I had one" David says faking a smile.

"Friends?" Alex says with a smirk on his face.

"Friends" I say.

We go out of the office and see Angie standing there angry.

"What's wrong Angie?" I ask worried.

"David can we take the dinner another time? I need to talk to German" Angie says still looking angry.

"Yes, sure. Bye" David says then walks out of the house.

"Angie what's wrong have I done something wrong or?" I ask staring at her.

I could see the anger in her eyes.

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