Chapter 23

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I laid my head on German's chest and just broke down and began to cry again, Why did he to kiss me again. I hate David so much.

My crying must of woke German up. I felt him playing with my hair.

"Are you okay Angie?" He asked me, I thought it would be better just to come out with the truth,

"No, David kissed me again" I said crying, German held me tight in his arms, He then lifted me up and put me back down so that me and him were face to face. He then leaned in and kisses me. It was Amazing.

He said on thing before I fell asleep

"Just tell me, I kiss better then him".

The Next morning I woke up and saw German looking down at me, He was stood up in his suit and looked like he had already been somewhere.

"Good Afternoon , Beautiful" He said smiling, I smiled at him, I then relised what he said,

"What do you mean Afternoon?" I said panicking, I don't think I have ever slept fo so long.

"Angie it's half three in the afternoon" German said while coming to lie next to me, I put my head on his chest and Just started to think,

"German?" I said, I thought that he had dozed off,

"Yep, Angie" He replied,

"Did you ever think that our lives would be so complicated?" I just said what I was thinking,

"Just a bit but there is one thing that I didn't that would happen" He said, Now playing with my hand and my ring,

"What is that?" I asked,

"Well, I never thought that you would come back, and I didn't think that you would give me a second chance" He said, I then sat up and looked at him,

"German there is no reason why I shouldn't of given you a second chance because I loved you so much and I love you even more now"

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