Chapter 9

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Angie's POV-

Yay, He does actually love me I thought to myself,

"So then, Now where were we" He says, He has that cheeky grin on his face, I can't remember the last time I saw it. I smiled back and he came towards me and held my waist, he looked me in the eye and then came closer and closer.

And there it was the kiss I have been wanting for months. The perfect moment, I had my eyes closed and I also think he did as well. It was magical, It lasted for ages in till, I heard giggling, I pulled away from German. He open his eyes, Those deep brown eyes that always make my heart just melt.

We both turned around to see Violetta smiling one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen.

"Can I borrow Angie for a minute, dad?" Violetta said.

"Yes but be quick I need to talk to her" German replied, Violetta started to walk away and I followed she stopped suddenly and turned around and said,

"Dad I know it would be more kissing the talking" She said, I felt so embarrassed.

Me and Vilu went up the stairs to her room, I closed the door after me and she was waiting for me to say something.

"Sooooo ..." She says, I made me feel quiet awkward.

"Soooooo..." I said back, not knowing what to say,

"You and Dad dating?" She said, sounding really excited.

The door then bursted open, I was so glad I didn't know how to answer that.

German came walking in,

"Times up, I want my Girlfriend now" German said,

He said Girlfriend.

"Girlfriend?" Me and Violetta said at the same time. I know I was not blushing uncontrollably.

"Yes my Girlfriend" German says smiling at me.

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