Chapter 20

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German's POV

I just said I can't stop hurting her. That's not true I will never ever hurt her again. Oh no what am I saying I did just hurt her.

Okey German you must stop being a dickhead otherwise you'll end up alone. Losing the love og your life.

In the middle of my thoughts Angie storms in the door.

"Oh Angie I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I was just frustrated. I'm really really sorry Angie" I say sad.

"Awe German you shouldn't. It's me who should be sorry. I have something important I must tell you" Angie says a bit shaky.

"What Is It Angie? You know you can tell me everything" I say with a kind voice.

"Erm okey so what I wanted to tell you is that when I stormed out of the house earlier today I bumped into David and he saw I was sad then he asked If I wanted to come with him to his house to talk about it and drink tea. And of course I said yes. Then we walked to his house and then we sat talking and drank our tea, but suddenly he came closer to me and kissed me. And I swear It didn't feel something. Your the one I love no one else" Angie says.

"Angie don't worry I understand. It wasn't your fault" I say smiling

"Seriously? Thank you so much for understanding me. I thought you would get angry at me" Angie says a bit confused.

"Why would I be that. I trust you Angie" I say smiling then wrapping my arms around her waist.

Then we were getting closer and closer until our lips met.

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