Chapter 14

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German's POV

"Don't worry Angie, I will tell her" I say smiling.

"Okey, thank you" Angie says smiling then kissing me on the cheeck.

We links arms and starts to go home. When were infront of the door at home I stop.

"German What's wrong?" Angie ask confused.

"Before we go in I just want to tell you that I'm the luckiest man on earth who have you as a girlfriend and soon to be wife. And that I love you so freaking much" I say then looking into Angie's beautiful green eyes.

"Awe German, I love you too" Angie says smiling.

When we comes in Violetta comes rushing down the stairs.

"So how was the date loving birds?" Violetta says with a big grin across her face.

"Aha, It went great" Angie says with a big smile across her face.

Then Violetta notice the diamond ring Angie has on her finger.

"So Angie and dad do you have something you want to tell me?" Violetta ask with a grin across her face that gets bigger and bigger.

"Uhm yes, ehm were eng..." Angie and I say at the same time.

"Engaged" Violetta says finishing our sentence.

"Yes" I say with a small smile

"Omg I'm so happy for you, you're perfect for each other" Violetta screaming.

"Your not mad?" Angie ask confused.

"No why? You're like made for each other" Violetta says with a massive grin across her face.

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