Chapter 10

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German's POV

Yes I just called her my girlfriend It just seems so right.

"Then I must go talk to my boyfriend" Angie says a bit embarrassed.

She just called me her boyfriend.

Anyway Then we walks out of Vilu's room, down the stairs and then into my office.

"So ehm are we uhm like togheter now?" I ask a bit modest.

"Erm I think so" Angie says with a little smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Then I can do this" I say with a big grin on my face.

"Do what?" Angie ask confused.

"This" I say and grab her by the waist and look into her beautiful green eyes. Then kiss her passionatly on the lips.

The kiss was slowly with so much passion. The kiss lasted some minutes that felt like ages.

I can't describe how perfect this was.

Then we pull away and just stare at each other with so much love.

I could stand like this forever, but then someone interrupts us.

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