Chapter 16

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German's POV

Who's that guy? He better not try to take my girlfriend soon to be WIFE from me, then he will regret I can promise you that.

In the middle of my thoughts I remember that Angie and that guy is still talking.

"Okey David, David is your name right" I say.

"Yes why?" David says.

"Okey, Me and Angie have something important we must do, so I think you must go now" I say trying to get rid of him.

"No, what are you talking about" Angie says confused.

"Yes Angie you know. The things we were talking about in my office" I say staring at her.

"Oh, yes sorry David. We can talk more another time, okey?" Angie says a bit confused.

"Umh, yeah sure I would love to talk..." He was about to carry on when I interrupted him.

"Okey David, bye" I say quicly then slams the door in his face.

"What was that for?" Angie says a bit angry.

"I'm sorry Angie I'm just scared to lose you to someone else" I say sad.

"Awe German don't be that you won't lose me, your the only one I want no one else" Angie says trying to cheer me up then kissing me on the cheeck.

David's POV

Wow that German dude was really jealous or what? If he thinks I'm trying to win Angie, then he's right.

He has stole the woman I loved since the first time I saw her at Studio 21 when were 13. Yes I loved someone when I were only 13. Anyway you maybe know who I mean? Yeah that's right, Angeles Carrara.

Anyway that couple won't last that long, haha.

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