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+ha eunhae

curiosity? was that this feeling? the constant feeling of the wanting to explore and follow the guards.

in the last few months, everything had changed. the school was layered thick, with guards. they're tall, deadly looking people. layered entirely in white, a protective helmet over their heads. as if they're ready for it.

following them was so absurd yet, i almost longed to.

there were only rumours of how the nine boys, who were already gone however, none of them seemed realistic.

the rumours flew over my head, almost like i was being ignorant towards them, until i had unexpectedly witnessed it with my own eyes.

like ghosts, two guards came to my classroom unexpectedly, reading a name out; their voices lifeless and had no signs of emotion.

'park sooyoung. please vacate your seat.' one of the two guards echoed and i watched closely as she looked towards the class. her eyes filled with fear.

it was too much of a shock to comprehend, park sooyoung was way too nice, she cared for everyone no matter who they were or what they did.

yet, she was being taken like a ravishing animal.

still consumed with shock, i walked out of class at the end, desperately trying to shake off the horror of sooyoungs removal.

it was terrifying, however a part of me still felt curious.

'eunhae. let's talk.' a voice starts and i'm snatched out of my thoughts by irene.

'what?' i blink rapidly, confused at someone like irene starting a conversation.

'let's talk.' she almost demands and i submissively nod and follow her.

through the maze of corridors and past an array of people, we end on the roof, where the rest of her friends sit.

however, it almost looks empty as they are missing sooyoung. silently i sighed, guessing what this maybe about.

as they settle down, i feel the wind blow timidly and notice the sun desperately trying to force its way through the cloud but failing almost miserably.

'you've noticed it to, right?' another girl speaks, i recognised her as wendy. 'the people disappearing.'

slightly in shock at the honesty, i nod followed by a small mutter.

'13 have gone so far.' i reply.

'you see that.' irene points towards a train station. 'it's goes unnoticed right? we think they're sending them somewhere.'

it all makes sense. all the teenagers leaving over two weeks. all with reckless attitudes, all rule breakers, all rebels.

'we're going to go to wherever they're going. are you coming with us?' seulgi whispers in my ear, aware of the high surveillance on us. i sit silently for a moment.


district 9; bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now