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+kim yerim

it's been three weeks since eunhae has been gone; chris has not left his room in a week and only felix can get in however, he hasn't attempted in a week.

we got news a few days ago, from hoetaek, telling us seulgi is with taeyong, her plan going into action. he also told us seulgi is going to leave letters telling us what's happening.

'we need to properly discuss everything, with chan.' woojin says frustrated. 'felix, can you try and get him down, please?' 

+lee felix

i walk upstairs, then facing chan and eunhaes door. i know chan is in there, drowning in his own thoughts.

i push the door open, seeing chan sitting on the floor, scribbling on a piece of paper, many others crumpled around the room.

'chris.' i speak in english, he ignores me blatantly and focus' on his paper. i shut the door, and sit down next to him. he finally looks at me, his eyes red and bloodshot. 'fuck dude.'

'i-is she here? is this why you're here. is she back? oh my god, she's back. my baby-' i cut him off.

'chris look at me, she's not back, but she will be-' he suddenly stands up, grabbing me by the collar of my jumper.

'why get my fucking hopes up? huh?' he shouts aggressively, a side of him i'd never seen before. the door slams open, jeongin then pushing chan off of me forcefully, making me more terrified.

'chan i get you're hurting alright? but you're not going to fucking hurt felix or anyone in this fucking household.' jeongin shouts his breathing heavy, before hyunjin runs in pulling jeongin into his arms. woojin follows, and picks up a piece of paper. the air is flooded with silence, before it's broken by chan.

'i'm sorry.' he sighs and i look at him, seeing his eyes glossy as he looks down. i pull him into a hug and he rests his head on my shoulder, crying silently. the rest stare before all leaving.

'we'll get her back. please don't cry. seulgi is with her.' he pulls away looking at me closely.

'seulgi? is with eunhae?' he stutters, his voice quiet and croaky.

'she is, and she's going to tell us everything we need to know asap, including the day we go and get her back.' i reply and he looks at his fingers, where an old bracelet of eunhaes is.

'i'll never forgive myself, for letting jaehyun here. letting her be taken right under my nose.' he chokes out.

'it's not your fault.' i tell him, 'he was manipulative and saw through us all. she just thought he was antisocial.'

'i'm going to get her back.' he answers. 'i can't sleep knowing she's somewhere here suffering, alone.' his voice began to crack again.

'come on. we're planning downstairs.' he nods silently and we go downstairs.

'chris.' jisung breathes, hugging him. i smile seeing chan hug him back, holding tightly. we all sit down and woojin begins to speak.

'hui will give us the letters, as soon as they're in the centre. we know seulgi will try and kill them but she won't be able to do it alone. once we know where they are we'll head towards there, all of us.'

'if we have to kill to get her back, i don't care.' chan butts in, everyone nods.

'hyuna, hoetaek and hyojong said they'll help as well.' sooyoung says.

'so, until we have news of where they are all that needs to be done is training yerim.' woojin finishes.

'26 days tomorrow.' chan stutters, his face going pale.

'seulgi has been there for 5 days now chris,' changbin tells him and he doesn't respond.

'we will get her back, i'm sure on that.'

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