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the next night; 2am
+bang chan

i sit on the sofa, eunhae sleeping in my arms as we play cards. jaehyun absent meaning jeongin can play.

i decide to call it a night, carrying eunhaes sleeping figure upstairs. she wakes up as i place her on the bed. i slide my shirt off and get into bed with eunhae.

'finally i have you to myself.' i say, pulling her into my arms. i kiss her neck and i hear her giggle.

'i'm sorry I haven't given you my full attention bubs.' she says, turning to me.

'it's fine, as long as you give it to me more.' i say and she nods then cuddling into my chest.

+kim woojin

everyone heads up to bed however, i stay sitting on the sofa, waiting for jaehyun to get back.

minutes go by, slowly fading into hours and so on until it's 5:30 and the door opens. i look up seeing him trying to slip into of the door unseen.

'hey! jaehyun!' i shout, getting up and heading towards him. 'i'm only going to say this once.'

'i don't care who the fuck you are or what the fuck you are to eunhae, i know there's something going on with you and i know you're fucking lying to us. everybody in this house apart from you is my family and if i see you do anything to hurt any of them and i will hurt you. if chan finds out about you sneaking out, he will kill you, yet alone jeongin.' he gulps and nods before i turn away and walk into my room.

'he won't fuck with us.' i mutter.

district 9; bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now