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+bang chan

we all leave the house, a silence between us as we head towards the town centre. the once giggles and conversation of eunhae being here are gone. a part of me hurts, i can't help but blame myself, for letting her slip away so easily.

'look, we've already lost one of you, we can't afford to loose another.' woojin mutters.

'woojin, you know i can protect myself.' seulgi replies.

'it's the best plan.' felix butts in. 'as much as i hate this idea, if we get nothing from hui or the other two she'd be the best way to find them or get in with them.'

'if this goes to shit, I'll go to the city centre, act as if you've kicked me out. i'm sure taeyong will come at some point. i'll seduce him easy as that.' she tells him.

'sure.' he says, looking down as if he was defeated. i continue watching my feet as i think about eunhae.

'formation.' woojin says, nudging my elbow, i look up noticing we were almost at the city centre. i get into my place in the formation.

we approach the building and walk in, hui no where to be seen. we make it to the fourth floor. light laughs are heard as we approach the door.

i stare at the door before changbin moves infront of me, knocking on the door.

footsteps are heard approaching the door as it then swings open, hyojong leaning against.

'hoetaek, your friends are here.' he says, moving aside as we all file in.

'christopher.' he says. 'where's your lover girl?'

'cut the shit hui,' i breathe out.

'jaehyun came to the centre, he had eunhae with her they met taeyong, yoongi, jungkook and yukhei.' he tells us.

'fuck fuck fuck.' i mutter.

'do you think they'll be back soon?' woojin asks.

'taeyong comes at least four times a week. i think they're in the flats at the moment.' hoetaek continues.

'so we go there and kill them all.' i say.

'chris my love, you have a lot more to learn about yoongi.' hoetaek says as he slings his hand over my shoulder.

'more to learn? what do you mean?' i ask, turning to the others as they shrug.

'he hit a jackpot with those flats, guns, knives, all sort of fucked up shit, that you couldn't get in the suburbs. they come into town fully armed, they still don't know were here.' he says and i shiver.

'hoetaek, can seulgi stay here with you for a few days, until taeyong is back in town?' woojin says.

'what why?' jisung says.

'im going to taeyong.' seulgi answers.

'what the fuck, no you're not.' minho says, walking up to seulgi.

'she is.' felix huffs out and hoetaek leans back, sipping his drink. 'as much as we hate to do this if we want eunhae back, we're a lost cause with yoongi being so heavily armed.'

'seulgi you're welcome to stay for a few nights, i think they're probably be back tomorrow.' hoetaek says.

i look down focusing on the floor as i feel my eyesight blur.

'come on chris, let's go.' i feel felix wrap his hand around my shoulder before engulfing me in a hug.

'district 9 fucks with everyone.' i hear hyojong sigh before he laughs.

'it sure does.'

district 9; bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now