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the next day; 7:45pm

i sit in the kitchen, everyone absent apart from taeyong and i. he has his hand in my thigh, rubbing it.

i uncomfortably shift my position but he only grips his hand tighter. if that's how it is. i grab his hand, intertwining our fingers. he leans over, whispering in my ear.

'it was comfortable there.' he whispers, his hot breath on my neck. i bat my eyelashes at him innocently and he leans in, kissing me. 'let's go somewhere else.'

he takes me upstairs, into our bedroom, where he begins to kiss me, he makes his way down my neck and i catch a glance of lights outside. they're here.

i push taeyong onto the bed, trying my best to distract him. i kiss him, feeling the outline of a knife in his pocket. i become more passionate, sliding the knife out of his pocket un-noticeably. i carry on, flicking the knife out as i hear banging, coming from downstairs.

'what was that?' he questions.

'nothing.' i say, kissing him eagerly.

'no, there banging downstairs.' he says trying to get up, instead i straddle him, and he stays down.

'it's nothing babe.' i reply and he puts his hands on my hips. as i hear the banging get louder i panic. quickly, i whip out the knife.

'seulgi what are you-' i cut him off by making a clear slit in his throat. he chokes as i force the knife into his throat.

'goodnight babe.' i say and he looks at me, before his eyes shut and i get off him. then changbin bursts into the room analysing the scene in front of him.

'seulgi.' he grabs my arm, pulling me out.

+bang chan

we approach the door, this is where seulgi said they were. lights are on, only on the second floor of the house. i take a deep breath.

'positions.' woojin whispers and i stand. next to the door and against the wall, woojin parallel to me as the rest all surround the entrance.

'three, two, one!' woojin says, he turns around the corner kicking the door open. the house is dead until we see jungkook and yuta, both armed with only knives.

they begin to attack, and felix quickly pulls me up the stairs, woojin and changbin following behind.

'check all these doors.' woojin says, they begin to kick in all the doors, all of them empty. 'fuck.'

there are only two left and changbin tackles one. he opens it recklessly. 'seulgi.' felix goes into the room, seulgi coming out with them, her hands blood stained. her mouth is parted and she looks as if she's in shock.

'taeyong is dead.' she says, dropping the knife, it covered in blood. 'eunhae is upstairs with yoongi.' she stutters.

changbin makes seulgi sit down, as shouts are heard downstairs. 'that door.' she points at a door. 'yukhei is downstairs, he's really strong and i think he's armed.'

'we need back up down here!' a shout is heard as yerim comes up the stairs sits next to seulgi, comforting her instantly.

'I'll go.' woojin finishes and he leaves. i open the door, muffled sound come from up the stairs. i rush up there, desperate to get to eunhae.

+third person

as chan arrives at the top he's greeted by jaehyun holding a sniper, aiming right at chans forehead.

'tell your men to stand down.' he commands. chan stays silent. 'do it or i'll shoot eunhae.'

'felix get everyone to stand down.' chan mutters, his eyes still on the sniper between his eyes. felix nods and heads downstairs. jaehyun then steps aside, the sniper still aimed right at chans forehead.

chans body goes cold at the sight infront of him. eunhae tied onto a chair, rope around her legs, wrists and torso. a piece of cloth is tied over her mouth. her body is dirty and blood is pouring out of cuts. her clothes are ripped and coincidentally her shoulders are exposed. yoongis hands are on her shoulders as he looks at chan closely.

'christopher.' yoongi says, his tone cruel and torturous. 'nice for you to finally, visit us.'

'let her go.' chan rebels.

'please don't disturb me, or she won't leave here alive.' yoongi says, looking at jaehyun then back at chan. 'she's so beautiful, isn't she?' he strokes her neck, she tries desperately to lean away, however unable to. her eyes fill tears and muffled sobs are heard.

chan felt physical pain seeing the one he loved like this. he blinks multiple times, trying to convince himself this is all a dream.

'once i get what i want.' yoongi continues, then kissing eunhaes neck, as she cries. 'i'll get rid of it.' he holds a gun, leaning it on eunhaes shoulder.

he begins to kiss eunhaes neck eagerly, 'this must be your torture for you chris, seeing my lips on something that's yours.' he continues, then kissing eunhaes head. 'you know. it's been amazing to torture for three weeks. you really took your time.'

he then pulls eunhaes hair out of the messy bun it was in and throws the hairband across the room. eunhae sobs as yoongi sweeps her hair to the side, kissing behind her ear.

'im not even sure if you even care. as it took you three weeks.' jaehyun laughs at yoongis remark. 'and you were stupid to let jaehyun take her,' he then kisses her between his words. 'right. under. your. nose.'

chans eyes flood with tears as he watched her, they flow down my cheeks as he stood frozen, the sniper cocked and between his eyes. for the first time, he felt helpless.

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