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friday; 8pm
+ha eunhae

the last day has been quiet, the boys were out most days leaving seulgi, yerim, sooyoung, jeongin, seungmin and i in the house. however, this created a perfect distraction for us to plan our little 'trip.' 

from their multiple raids, the boys mostly hauled knives and a few guns. i haven't tried to convince chan to not use them yet, my mind was too set on our plan.

'im tired.' sooyoung says, standing up. 'i think im going to call it a night now.'

'me too.' yerim joins her. 'goodnight.' everyone answers back and we continue to play cards for two more hours, to avoid any sort of suspicion.

i yawn, indicating i need to 'sleep.' chan notices and looks at me. jeongin forced him to sit opposite me as he couldn't keep his hands to himself as we played and 'he could be cheating'

'goodnight.' i say standing up putting my cards on the table. 'seulgi? you coming with?' i smile at chan whilst walking out to the room, a small pout forming on his lips, im guessing at the lack of kisses i gave him to say goodnight.

entering the bedroom, the other two are playing rock paper scissor.

'finally.' sooyoung whispers. 'we'll wait half an hour then sneak out of the window, onto the roof and jump down onto the ground.' i nod nervously.

when i told them i wanted to explore i didn't mean at night, in the dark, without any of the boys.

30 mins later
+ha eunhae

cautiously, we exit out of the window, onto the roof and down onto the ground. to our luck, the boys were either in bed or in the front lounge playing cards.

continuing, we sneak over the back fence and into next doors garden. we continue doing this until the end of the street where we all go out onto the pavement.

sooyoung whips out a torch and we make our way towards town.

'ooh! this is so exciting.' yerim squeals as we enter town. i stay by her side, our arms linked. the shops are all completely ready to be used as businesses yet, nothing has happened in them. a few had smashed windows, crumbling walls and random stock.

whilst scouting through shops we find a launderettes, where i take some washing powder and put it in yerims bag. next we enter a convenience store, the front window completely smashed and glass shards all over the floor. 

scanning the shelves, they were strangely clear, dust left around in various shapes indicating there was something on the shelves recently.

'quiet.' sooyoung says, clutching the knife in her belt, signalling for all of us to get down.

+bang chan

i couldn't stop thinking about eunhae and how weird she was acting tonight, she didn't cuddle or even kiss me when she went to bed.

once we all finally decided to head to bed i decided to go and see if i could steal a kiss from her before she went to sleep. i open the door quietly, scanning for the girls.

the room was completely empty with the window open.

'fuck! guys they're gone! let's get our shit together and find them!' i shout and jisung runs into the room, seeing the four empty beds and the open window.

'damn, i knew eunhae was acting weird with me!' i say grabbing the only gun with ammo.

'seungmin, jeongin! stay here, in case they come back or someone else comes.' i command in a panic.

i run out, the boys following behind me closely.

'where would they go?' i ask, 'why would they go?'

'sooyoung wanted to fight hyuna, maybe town?' felix suggests in english, 'and... i dont know.'

'yes! ok, quick!' i answer back, picking up my pace. my mind is flooded with questions and anxiety.

+ha eunhae

the sounds of people force us to duck down.

'i swear i heard them!' a voice says, it wasn't any of the boys, meaning its bad news.

'jungkook.' seulgi mouthes to us.

'they're here somewhere.' another voice answers back gruffly.


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