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+ha eunhae

before the sun rises, sooyoung gets up early to go to get the delivery with the boys, i get up with her, however with no intention to go to the delivery.

wearing a pair of sooyoungs shorts and chans oversized hoodie. i follow sooyoung downstairs, seeing a majority of the boys down there already. they were all holding multiple different weapons.

their eyes watch sooyoung and i as we walk into the lounge. 

'woah. cover up.' i feel hands wrap around my waist and pull me away from the lounge. 'you can't go into a room full of boys looking like that.'

'chan.' i whisper.

'good morning babygirl.' he whispers into my ear, leaving a light kiss on my neck. my heart does flips at the feeling.

'tease.' i mutter pulling away.

'me? the tease?' he laughs, his eyes wondering down my legs. i shake my head at him, beginning to walk back to the lounge. he then grabs me throwing me over his shoulder. 'i can't have other boys obsessing over you when you're mine.' i blush, still over chans shoulder. i could get used to this.

'right, all you look away.' i hear him say in english, his australian accent thick and clear. cute.

he walks through the living room and takes me up the stairs and into his room. he then throws me on the bed, grabbing a pair of sweatpants giving them to me.

'don't wear these again.' he says fiddling with the waistband of my shorts. i slap his hand away and take the sweatpants, sliding them on over my shorts. for being shy and quiet at school, he's had a confidence boost since leaving.

'better?' i ask sarcastically.

'much.' he says kissing my cheek. 'we're going to collect the delivery. you need to stay here. jeongin and seungmin will be here.' he tells me as we walk back downstairs and he gets ready.

seungmin shuts all the blinds as we enter the lounge.

'ok, please keep safe chris.' i ask him, standing infront of him.

'always for you.' he says, kissing my forehead, 'stay out of sight of the windows, alright?'

+bang chan

i watch closely as she watches seungmin pulls down the blind. i can tell she's anxious by the way she's holding my hand. she rubbing it absent-mindly whilst avoiding eye contact. i continue getting ready whilst eunhae sits on the sofa, talking to felix.

'please keep safe chris.' she says, as more of a command than a question. her small figure stands infront of me.

'always for you.' i kiss her forehead, trying to reassure her that I will be fine.  'stay out of sight of windows, alright?' she nods and i follow the others out.

'you're so whipped.'

district 9; bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now