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+ha eunhae

i hang up all the washing to dry in the conservatory and sit down at the table, jeongin asleep with his head on the table the other three looking at books they found in the back room.

'district 9 is so boring.' i say sitting down and leaning on my hand.

'these books are all old and have dust on them.' seulgi says as she opens another. i grab one and scan through it.

'so you losers are reading?' felix says, walking through the door. he walks into the kitchen where we're all at the table. 'aw, look at jeongin asleep.' he coos.

'loser.' jisung says, following behind then flicking jeongin on the head, making him wake up.

'ugh fuck off.' jeongin mutters.

'language, yang jeongin!' hyunjin joins sitting on the table, acting like a mother to the eighteen year old.

the rest of the boys all arrive, as we continue to look at books. i feel arms wrap around my shoulders and a head lean on mine.

'babygirl.' chan sings as woojin takes the seat next to mine.

'hey.' i say and he makes me stand up so i can sit on his lap.

'were you able to get anything from the fire?' seungmin says, looking away from the book as i concentrate on flicking through the one in front of me.

'nothing. it's burnt to the ground.' minho sighs, sitting on the table next to seungmin.

'four hours wasted.' sooyoung mutters and they all begin to talk about yoongi.

'is this my jumper? and shirt?' chan says, leaning his head on my shoulder.

'yeah.' i say, 'it's all i had, i washed our stuff today.'

'you look cute in them. i love it when you wear my clothes.' he says, kissing my cheek.

'woah your plaster is off.' felix says, looking at my neck as the rest all turn to me. chan immediately makes me turn towards him to show him.

'i will kill him.' he says, looking at the cut.

'hey!' i say grabbing his jaw, making him face me. 'you're not going to kill anyone.' i finish as changbin looks at my neck. chan sighs as i turn back around.

'it looks nasty, eunhae, does it hurt?' changbin says and i shake my head.

'not really.' i tell them.

'it only cut slightly deeper than a razor would.' seungmin says.

'you got really lucky eunhae.' jisung says, and i nod.

'why did yoongi burn down the old house?' jeongin says and the room goes silent.

'i think because of chan threatening to kill taeyong.' minho questions, i feel woojin nudge chan.

'on the night chan and i saw yoongi and yukhei, taeyong told us he'd do something to hurt one of us.' woojin starts.

'i told them if they even try something on us, it will start a war between us.' chan speaks as i grab his hand that's resting on the table, intertwining our fingers.

'then when the girls went to town, yoongi was there looking for them before taeyong attacked eunhae. by doing that they started a war. a mafia war.' woojin continues. 'by chan threatening to kill taeyong, it set them off.'

'made yoongi want revenge.' sooyoung says. 'the fireworks, the fire, was his way of saying. it's on.' the room fills with silence.

'surely hoetaek and whoever is with him watches whatever they do.' minho says.

'that's a good point actually.' seungmin speaks. 'chan? do you think you'd be able to speak to hoetaek.'

'im not sure. maybe.' he says. 'they're in the city centre somewhere, probably living off the food in the stores.'

'right, tomorrow we'll finish going through the houses on this road then maybe we'll try and go further north.' woojin says yerim gets up, heating the soup.

'lights out after yerims done.' minho says and everyone nods.

district 9; bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now