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+bang chan

'here, wear these.' i pull a hoodie out of my bag and hand it to her. 'we'll clean your shirt.'

she nods before i walk out of the room and wait for her to be finished changing. 

my mind begins to think about eunhae, she seemed no different from the quiet girl i knew at school yet, she ended up in district 9.

'im done.' eunhae shouts and i walk back into the room to see her in my jumper. 

the sleeves were long and it reached to half way down her thighs. my heart warms at the sight of her and i smile looking at her.

'ah cute.' i mutter, looking at her.

'how did you get all this?' she asks, looking towards the bag. i sit down on the bed and she sits next to me.

'when i was taken, i was at my house with woojin. we were trying to get in contact with the boys.' she looks at me closely as i explain. 'when they arrived they knocked on the door and my mom answered. i could see them coming for us. i grabbed this bag a shoved what i thought i might need in there.'

'clothes, food, first aid. that's all I could think of at that time.' i finish and she nods. 

'when they took you did they tell you they were going to shoot you?' she questions as she fiddles with her hands.

'if they would what?' i ask in disbelief, looking towards her. her eyes are glued to the floor. shoot her? 

'when i was taken i was in the cafeteria; i had just shouted have fun with chan, when the guards told me to vacate my seat. i stood up and as the two guards gripped my arms one of the told me.' i turn around and kneel infront of her, getting her to look me in the eyes. 

'they said, if you talk or even look at anyone I will shoot you.' she shakes her head and my mouth is left agape. 

'they threatened to kill you?' i say, in shock. 'they didn't do that to anyone else.' she looks closely at me as i say that.

'they didn't?' she questions, looking at me, her face was dominated by shock.

'no.' i finish shaking my head. 'come on.' i take her hand and guide her downstairs.

+ha eunhae

i will shoot you. it echoes through my head as we make our way back downstairs. everything seemed so crazy and surreal.

seulgi pats the seat next to her and i sit between her and taeyong. i'd never really spoken to taeyong but, he always had girls on their knees at school. 

'looks like christopher bang likes you.' seulgi teases, i slap her thigh and she laughs.

'he does not!' i answer back quietly and she laughs at me.

'christopher bang likes you! christopher bang likes you!' she teases loudly. i slap my hand over her mouth, blushing as i look towards chan.

he's looking at us, a pink tint on his cheeks as he then turns back to woojin.

'seulgi!' i whisper slight embarrassed and we begin to talk to yerim and sooyoung.

my eyes absent-mindly wonder towards chan, i notice his blonde hair is messily parted, showing his forehead, his eyes are a dreamy brown colour and his cheeks only have a slight tint now.

'shut your mouth you might droll.' taeyong says to me and i turn to look to him, shutting my mouth. 

'oh, uhm sorry.' i answer, slightly shocked at his statement,

'so bang chan?' he raises his eyebrows leaning forward. i shake my head and look down. he looks at me closely.

'where is everyone else?' i ask.

'everyone is here.' he answers simply.

'no, they're not. min yoongi was sent away and so was wong yukhei however neither of them are here.' i look out of the window, the sun setting and the sky becoming a gray colour. i shiver looking into the empty houses all around us.

i turn to look at taeyong but he's across the room talking to chan.

'we should explore.' i suggest to the girls. sooyoung looks at me with a hint of uncertainty whereas, seulgi and yerim look at me excitedly.

'let's go now.' seulgi says.

'they won't let you.' sooyoung says, and I frown.

'let's sneak out.'

district 9; bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now