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+bang chan

we walk into the kitchen, everyone already crowded around the table. eunhae pushes herself onto the counter, and i stand between her legs. seulgi sits next to her and they begin to whisper.

'fuck yes!' eunhae squeals, cute, and seulgi laughs. 'it's been too long.' i sit silently, wondering what they're talking about.

'right.' woojin starts, everyone going silent. 'when are we going to town and who is coming.'

'let's go tomorrow, get it out of the way.' i say and everyone agrees.

'eunhae is coming!' seulgi bursts out, squealing slightly.

'she's what?' minho says.

'i said yes earlier.' woojin says. 'were going to find hoetaek and that's it.'

'but we could run into someone.' minho says and i agree.

'most of us are going, apart from yerim and seungmin. we have more backup and all.' woojin says, trying to reassure me.

'i guess.' i say, felix smiling at eunhae as she excitedly smiles.

'right than that's it. lights out in twenty.'  woojin says as he starts to deal out cards and i turn around to eunhae as she talks to seulgi.

seulgi sees me look up at her and she scoots off the counter and makes her way to the table.

'i'll be fine.' she tells me, wrapping her legs around me as i lean into her, resting my head on her chest. she wraps her arms around my shoulders, one of her hands in my hair. she rests her head on mine, kissing my hair. 'i know i'll be fine because i'll be with you.'

'i don't want you to get hurt in anyway. i'm scared eunhae.' i admit quietly and she kisses my head, pulling away and making me face her.

'i'm not going anywhere.' she says leaning down to kiss my lips.

'you're mine, ok?' i say looking into her eyes.

'of course i am.' she answers.

'you're actually mine though, you're my girlfriend, my baby, mine.' i say.

'is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?' she laughs, kissing my forehead.

'it is.' i say, looking at her.

'i'd love to.' she laughs and i pull her down to kiss her.

'right you two, get a fucking room!' changbin shouts throwing a book at us as eunhae hides her face in my neck.  i flip him off and kiss her again, feeling her smile into the kiss.

'i'll always keep you safe.'

a bit of fluff
before the chaotic chapter
that's coming!!

district 9; bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now