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12pm; wednesday
+ha eunhae

i sit opposite seungmin as we play cards, he still has a knife buckled into his belt and we play. seulgi and yerim joined us an hour ago. i'd always gotten on well with seungmin, we used to have biology together.

'bullshit!' yerim shouts when seungmin wins another round. 'how have you won 4/6 rounds, what the fuck?'  we all laugh before the door swings opening, sooyoung storming in.

'since when did fucking kim hyuna get here?' she asks, slumping down next to seungmin.

'hyuna is here?' jeongin questions.

'yeah and hyojong.' i answer, 'they've been here for like two weeks now.'

'what the fuck?' she says as the other boys arrive back. jisung and minho hauling a metal crate.

'there's still only one but there's at least 25 of us here now.' hyunjin questions, as they lift the crate onto the table.

'it's bigger this time at least.' jeongin says as he walks over to it, i follow behind.

they open it, it half full with food and other things on the other side. i stand at the edge of the table studying what we got.

'babygirl.' i feel chan slip his hands around my waist as he sings into my ear. he rests his head on my shoulder as i turn my head to face him.

'hey.' i say. we talk quietly as they continue to look at the cage. 'im gonna help them unpack.' he pouts and holds onto me tighter.

'just let me hug you a little longer.' he says cutely, and i smile at him, shaking my head.

'in a minute.' i tell him, slipping through his arms. he pouts as i walk to the crate, taking out the ramen and vegetables that were in there.

once yerim and i unpacked all the food, all that was left was the other side. the boys were looking through it.

they continue to unpack it, matches, clothes, first aid. a small note is pulled out and felix begins to read it aloud.

'from monday next week electricity will be provided for only 9 hours between you all. your provided water will be shortened to 750l a day.' he reads as minho curses.

'it's bad enough that it cuts out.' minho complains, sitting down as yerim and i sit on the edge of the counter, just behind the table.

chan approaches me, standing between my legs as he lays his back on my chest, his head leaning back. we listen to the conversation, chan occasionally commenting.

'wait sooyoung. you said about hyuna?' i question, everyone becoming quiet.

'that fucking bitch.' she says. i look at chan, and he mirrors my expression, as confused as me.

'we saw them today.' chan says, 'hyuna, hoetaek and hyojong.'

'i was ready to go off at that bitch.' sooyoung continues.

'but luckily, jisung threw her over his shoulder and we walked away. leaving them with an empty crate.' changbin answers, yerim chuckling.

+ha eunhae

chan kisses my cheek before i walk into my shared room with the girls. before i can shut the door, sooyoung begins to ramble.

'eunhae, if we see her on friday, i swear to god, i will fight her.' i chuckle as she continues to talk. 

'so you and chan?' yerim raises her eyebrows as i sit on the bed next to her, shaking my head.

'no, we're just friends.' i answer.

'you don't look like just friends.' seulgi joins us, sitting on the bed as well. 'friends don't kiss and cuddle like you two.'

'or get over-protective when someone wears short clothing.' sooyoung finishes, smiling cheekily and she sits in the remaining space on the bed.

'i guess i've always had a crush on him, and he treats me really well. but we're just friends for now.' i answer. 'i've only properly spoke to him for a day and a half.' 

'fair enough.' yerim answers. 'i wonder who will come next?'

'me too.'

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