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+bang chan

setting eunhae down on the sofa, i keep my arms around her tightly. seungmin enters with the new first aid kit, he sits next to us quietly opening the box. 

the other three girls enter the room all sitting on different chairs as all the boys join as well. woojin stands up, ready to speak as seungmin begins to clean eunhaes cut.

'i don't know which one of you, planned your outing. but it was a stupid idea.' he raises his voice. a sharp inhale comes from eunhae as she winces from the alcohol.

'woojin, calm down.' hyunjin stands up, slinging his arm around woojins shoulders. 'no matter how dumb the idea was, they're not going to do it again?'

'i won't allow them to.' i butt in, and everyone nods.

'let's just focus on making sure eunhaes ok. we're going to have to move base soon, as taeyong knows where we are.' i state, changing the subject. 'we can discuss this whole thing tomorrow.'

'all of you go to sleep.' i end the conversation as seungmin sticks a large plaster over eunhaes neck. 'you're staying with me tonight.'

eunhae nods and i pick her up again, she rests on my shoulder, the body now frail in contrast to the strong stance she had when she first arrived.

'chris.' she says.

'babygirl, what's wrong?'

'i need to get changed.' she tells me sleepily, not bothering to move from my shoulder.

'you can wear my clothes tonight.' i say as we enter my room. 'here.' i hand her another hoodie and some sweatpants.

'ok.' she says as she turns away from me. i look away until her feel her hands wrap around my waist.

'you're so cuddly tonight.' i giggle at her cuteness. she smiles, her eyes still closed as she leans on my back, the hood up covering her eyes. 'come on. let's sleep.' i slide my shirt over my head and replacing the jeans i was wearing with a pair of sweatpants.

i turn back around to see eunhae passed out under the covers. i slide under them and wrap my arms around her small waist, her head against my chest.

'sleep well babygirl.' i say kissing her forehead before dozing off with her.

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