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multiple weeks later
+bang chan

it surprised me how no-one noticed jaehyun sneaking out three times a week. i watched when he walked to the end of the street and towards town.

i decide to wait it out; finally deciding to confront him after a multiple weeks of him doing this.

'why are you still awake chan?' i hear eunhae tiredly say, learning up as she looks towards me.

'i'm not tired babygirl. i'll go to sleep in a bit.' i say, walking over to her and kissing her forehead. she nods and goes back to sleep when i walk out of the room and downstairs quietly.

i sit silently in the lounge, waiting for his return.

3 hours later
+bang chan

the door opens and i see the outline of jaehyun. i stand up, approaching him.

'where the fuck did you go?' i say, he spins around and i pin him against the wall. 'you think i wouldn't fucking notice you sneaking out, constantly lying huh?' he stays silent.

'have you got anything to fucking say?' i shout as i hear footsteps.

'chan what did he do?' i hear woojin say.

'fucking explain yourself?' i shout, smashing him into the wall again and he doesn't say anything.

i hear light footsteps come down the stairs, as i push jaehyun against the wall harder. suddenly eunhae pushes herself forcefully in front of me.

'chris! what the fuck are you doing?' she shouts, forcing my hands off of jaehyun. 'are you fucking crazy?'

i breathe out. 'eunhae he's been lying to you.' i say as she looks at me in disgust.

'fuck chris, i knew you didn't like him but there's no need to chat fucking shit.' she shouts, turning around to jaehyun. 'i'm so sorry jae.'

'eunhae-' i stutter and she walks out with jaehyun flipping me off.

'fuck.' i grip my hair, bending down, hiding my face from the rest who woke up from the noise.

'i'm so sorry.' woojin says as he pulls me into a hug.

district 9; bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now