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11pm; thursday
+bang chan

i lie restlessly next to eunhae, holding onto her tightly, afraid of tomorrow. if something happens, i'll never forgive myself. i leave a long kiss on her forehead.

'chris?' she says softly, her eyes fluttering open to meet mine. 'you should be asleep.' she yawns.

'im sorry, i couldn't fall asleep.' i tell her, she puts her legs over my waist, her head now resting on my chest.

'i promise you, tomorrow i won't leave your side, alright?' she tells me. 'i'm not going to go anywhere.' she then starts to play with my hair, her eyes shut as mine shut as well.

'goodnight babygirl.'  i mumble as she continues.

'goodnight.' she mumbles.

+bang chan

i wake up, eunhae still in my arms, sleeping peacefully. my heart races as i remember what's happening today.

'i'll keep you safe.' i mumble, kissing her head. she then yawns, her eyes opening as she looks at me.

'good morning,' she says leaning up, and i copy her actions, only back hugging her instead.

'lovebirds! get your shit together and be ready to leave in thirty!' seulgi shouts whilst banging on the door.

'good morning babygirl.' i say and she smiles, leaning her head back so she's looks at me.  'right, let's get ready.' we both get up and begin to pick out clothes.

i put on the same black ripped jeans i've worn frequently, a grey shirt on and slide one of my hoodies on, the smell of eunhae lingers on it.

'can i turn around?' i ask.

'yes.' she says and i turn around, she's wearing the black jeans she wore when she arrived and a black and white long sleeved top of mine. she rolls up the arms as i pick up a black jumper and slide it over her head.

'don't get cold.' i tell her and she smiles, then beginning to brush her hair.

+bang chan

everyone is ready to go, yerim just saying goodbye to eunhae, telling her to be safe as well as seungmin.

'right, let's go.' woojin says as he finishes loading one of the two guns we have.

eunhae walks with felix and seulgi, both of them talking to her about the previous places we've been. i begin to talk with woojin, as he beginning to tease me about eunhae.

i turn around to look at her, seeing her smile whilst looking around. felix making jokes and them laughing in response.

'right, we're approaching town. y'all know what to do.' woojin says and i grab eunhaes hand.

'stay by me now.' i whisper and she nods. the streets are lifeless as we head towards the centre, where we suspect hoetaek is. as we arrive, i look up at the flats where there had been consistent light.

'fuck, i hate that we're actually going to hyuna for help.' sooyoung mutters, walking through the broken glass door and heading up the stairs. we go up three flights, no sign of hoetaek until we reach the fourth.

'look who finally decided to pay me a visit.' i look up and see hoetaek leaning over the edge of the banister in the fourth floor, a smug smile on his face. everyone sighs a breath of relief and continues up towards him.

'christopher!' he cheers, hugging me. he nods towards woojin and guides us towards his 'apartment.' despite being in flats, the apartment is fairly big. hyuna and hyojong are sitting on the sofa, both staring at us yet, deadly silent/

'you must be eunhae?' hoetaek says, looking towards eunhae, her hand still in mine. she nods and he smiles.

'you're the one that almost got killed by taeyong.' hyuna says, looking at her. 'i saw taeyong run from my window.'

'anyway, what brings you here?' hoetaek says sitting on another sofa.

'we want to know if you know anything about where taeyong is or even better yoongi.' i say, and he nods.

'well they're together and staying in an apartment on the east side. you guys luckily, got the pretty part of district 9, they took the ratty flats on the east side.' he finishes.

'have they been around here recently?' felix asks.

'last i remember is when they broke into the convenience store, hauling a fuck load of fireworks.' he answers.

'yukhei and yuta were around the centre the other day.' hyojong says. 'it seemed like they were looking for something. they left after about an hour.'

'right. that's all.' i say, 'we're in the suburbs if you need us.'

he nods at me. 'lovely meeting you eunhae, sooyoung it was nice of you to keep your cool this time.' hoetaek says, sooyoung cracking her knuckles.

'i hate all three of you, i hope you know that.' she says, pointing at hoetaeks chest, with force.

'that's delightful darling, but we're all gonna die if you keep hating on people. might want to keep it to yourself?' hoetaek questions cruelly.

'thank you for your help.' changbin says, standing in front of sooyoung, then turning around and pushing her out of the apartment. we all follow, jisung closing the door behind him.

'holy shit.' minho breathes out. 'he's so... hostile.'

'he's also a massive dick.' sooyoung starts before changbin cuts her off.

'let's not do this again.' he says, as we begin to walk down the stairs.

'what were they looking for?' eunhae says quietly.

'i'm actually not sure.' i reply.

'right, keep it down. we're almost at the bottom.' woojin says.

we begin to walk back, eunhae still holding onto my hand tightly. we walk down one of the back streets almost meeting the entrance to the suburbs.

'ha eunhae!' a voice shouts, and i immediately draw my gun, eunhae turning around. a guy stands about 20 metres up the road waving.

'oh my god, jaehyun? is that you?' she says, letting go of my hand.

'yes.' he speaks back she runs up to him, hugging him and i keep my gun drawn. everyone is silent as thy hug, i keep a tight grip on my gun, aiming right at him.

'what the fuck are you doing here?' he asks. 'you were never bad back in jeju.'

'eunhae, we need to move.' woojin says as he looks at the sky seeing the sun beginning to set.

'he must come with us. guys this is jaehyun! he's from jeju city like me, we've known each other for god knows how long.' she rambles, everyone looks at me as if it's my decision.

'eunhae, i-' i stutter.

'please bubs, he could get killed! god knows where yoongi is.' she says.

'sure, i guess.'

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