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+third person

eunhae attempts to escape multiple times, jeongin only holding onto her tighter. they stay at the entrance all of them now there as they wait.

no one actually knows what the outcome of this will be. everyone is anxious, there was no way the six of them could survive.

small sobs still escape eunhaes mouth as a sounds come from the woods and voices. the boys all pull out their weapons, sooyoung pulling out a knife as they all hide to the side of the entrance. yerim places her hand over eunhaes mouth as the footsteps get louder.

five boys come out of the entrance of the woods, the five they all feared had died.

'guys!' seungmin shouts as the five turn to see the rest of them on the floor, eunhae in jeongins arms as yerims hand is over her mouth.

'chris.' eunhae says her voice croaky, she forces herself out of jeongins arms.

+bang chan

exhausted, we trudge out of the woods after watching yoongi burn the house down. all that matters is that everyone was safe and no-one was hurt.

'guys!' we all turn to see the rest of them sitting on the grass next to the entrance. i scan through all of them seeing eunhae in jeongins arms, yerims hand over her mouth before, she forces her way out of his arms and runs towards me.

'don't fucking scare me like that again.' she curses, her voice croaky and rough, she wraps her arms around my waist and i put my arms around her. laying my head on hers.

'im sorry babygirl.' i say kissing her head. she looks up at me, her face red and puffy, obvious that she'd been crying.

'she's been a fucking nightmare.' changbin tells me, as they all begin to walk to the new base, eunhae and i staying put as she hugs me tightly.

'you scared me so much.' she breathes lightly. 'i was so scared that they might've hurt you, or maybe even killed you.'

'i'd never let them do that, you know that.' i say, taking her small hand in mine. she nods and she guides me to the new house.

'what was district 9 before it was what it is.' she questions as we walk down the pavement.

'i don't know, probably a failed town.' i tell her and she hums.

we walk for five more minutes, chatting until she pulls me up to a house, similar to the other but a lot bigger.

'this is base.' she tells me, and pulls me up the path. we walk in seeing everyone getting used to the place, a pile of bags next to the door. felix comes up next to eunhae talking to her. all the lights are off and torch light is being used as the light source.

'let's sort out rooms.' hyunjin says, sitting down on the sofa. everyone crowds around and i sit down, woojin siting next to me and eunhae sitting on the sofa arm. 

'there's seven rooms and thirteen of us.' yerim says. 'but i'm presuming one of these rooms needs to be an office.'

'i thought there was eight?' jisung asks and yerim shakes her head.

'the window is completely smashed in, we're going to board it up asap.' woojin says.

'us girls will take one.' eunhae says, pointing to the four girls.

'no you're with me.' i say sliding my hand around her waist and pulling her off the arm and onto my lap.

'right.' she says, seulgi smiles at us, making a love heart with her hands whilst sooyoung teases us.

'so chris and eunhae in one room.' yerim says and i nod. 'us three girls will take another.'

'woojin, jeongin and i, will take one.' hyunjin says and yerim nods.

'so felix and changbin in one, jisung, minho and seungmin in the other.' yerim questions and they all nod. 'right, let's go.'

eunhae stands up, pulling me up as the others all head upstairs. i grab her hand and guide her upstairs, the others looking through all the rooms.

+ha eunhae

chan holds my hand, and we enter the room i was in earlier with yerim.

'this one?' chan asks and i stay silent, looking out the window, trying to see the old house through the darkness.

'i hate our room. can we swap?' changbin walks in and we both look at him. chan turns to look at me and i nod.

'sure.' chan says and we both walk out going to the other side of the house.

'i prefer this one.' i say, looking at the window that's facing towards town. i look out of the window, looking over district 9. i feel chan wrap his arms around my waist, his head leaning on my shoulder.

'how's your neck?' he asks and i lift up my hand to touch the plaster.

'it doesn't hurt anymore.' i tell him.

'that's good,' he says, then kissing my neck a few times.

'you know chris.' he hums in reply, his lips still lingering on my neck. 'i came here, thinking you wouldn't even glance at me. i knew that i had always had a slight crush on you but, you were always so oblivious to it.'

'you know, i had one on you as well?' he smiles, kissing my cheek.

'wait really?' i say, turning to face him and he nods.

'since first year.' he says, and i smile, looking back seeing the distant town, a few lights here and there.

'when i arrived here, i thought it would be seulgi, yerim, sooyoung and i, try our best to survive here. i never imagined that I'd end up in your arms, sitting in a house.' i say, he kisses my cheek again.

'when sooyoung told me that seulgi was here and she had two girls with her. i had no idea that you'd be standing there, looking beautiful, even with blood down your face.' he laughs lightly, as his hand strokes the cut across my cheek, it barely visible now.

'even if you came without seulgi or yerim. if i heard you were in district 9, i'd go to any length to find you.' i blush and turn around to him. one of his arms holds me tightly, the other stroking the side of my body.

'if you got hurt today chris, i don't know what i would do. the moment i saw the house burning from that back room i sprinted towards the woods, trying to get to you. that's why jeongin was holding onto me so tightly.' i tell him.

'if i die it'll be to save you.' he says. 'as you're mine anyway.' he then leans down, attaching our lips. i wrap my arms around his neck, one of my hands gripping hair, closing the space between us.

+kim yerim

seulgi, felix, jisung and i all stand outside of the door, listening to them. seulgi excitedly squeals and i slap her arm.

'shut up!' i whisper.

'as you're mine anyway.' we hear chan say, as the room goes silent.

'they must be kissing!' seulgi squeals,putting her ear close to the door.

'aw, they're cute.' felix says, leaning against the door frame, however leaning too far and pushing the door open so seulgi, felix and I all stumble in.

eunhae has her hand in chans hair, the other resting on chans shoulder. chans arm is around eunhaes waist, no space between them, his other hand on her face.

he pulls away quickly, eunhae hiding her face in his chest. his cheeks pink as he looks at us.

'what the fuck?' he says. 'get the fuck out!' he shouts, all three of us running out and shutting the door.

jisung burst out laughing, 'you're losers all three of you.'

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