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+bang chan

the whole way home eunhae stays by jaehyuns side as they walk. woojin walks next to me and seulgi on the other side.

'i don't like him.' seulgi says, her knife still in her hand.

'neither do i.' i say.

'he's lying.' woojin says, looking away from the two and turning towards us.

'i'm what?' i say, annoyed at him criticising me.

'not you, jaehyun.' he says. 'he told eunhae he arrived today but, no trains have arrived since wednesday.'

'the fuck?' seulgi says, beginning to walk up to jaehyun.

'hey, no.' woojin says, holding her back as jisung and hyunjin catch up to us. 'if you confront him, you could piss her off.' he says pointing towards eunhae.

'also it's too early to call, we all just need to listen really closely to their conversations.' woojin finishes.

silenence dominates as we arrive home.

'who the fuck?' yerim says, as she sees eunhae and jaehyun sitting on the sofa together still talking.

i sit the table watching them from a distance, yerim and jisung next to me arguing about something.

'let's talk to him.' felix comes in, speaking to me in english.

'i don't want to.' i answer back.

'stop being stubborn.' he says back and i get up the other two following us.

we walk into the lounge and i sit next to eunhae, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her onto my lap.

'babygirl.' i coo, kissing her neck. she leans on me and i smile, seeing jaehyun sit awkwardly.

he coughs before eunhae leans up. 'right. this is chan, my boyfriend.' she says, her hand now in mine.

'boyfriend? you're so old.' he teases, messing up her hair. she laughs and shakes her head. i begin to fix her hair as she introduces yerim, felix and jisung.

'so why are you here?' yerim starts as i rest my head on eunhaes shoulder. he fiddles with his fingers as he answers.

'well, i arrived in seoul a week and a half ago. i didn't attend school due to.' he stutters, 'having to unpack all my stuff for my house. then when i attended, the guards were on my back constantly until, i had a go at one of them.'

'woah.' jisung mutters as woojin walks in, raising his eyebrow at jaehyun. 'how do you two know each other?'

'my family was from jeju right?' eunhae says. 'and jaehyun lived there, and i remember seeing him in the park whenever i visited.'

'so one day i just decided to talk to her.' he joins in. 'and we used to text all the time although eunhae lived in seoul but we'd stopped over the last year.'

'it's so weird that you're here.' she says, 'i would've never imagine you getting or being here.'

'yeah well.' he laughs, scratching the back of his neck. the room goes silent before jeongin walks in. he stares at jaehyun; his face blank and intimidating.

it makes woojin stand up and guides jeongin out of the room, felix getting up as well. they both disappear around the corner and into the kitchen. eunhae looking at me, concern on her face.

'excuse me a minute.' i say, eunhae quickly gets off my lap and looks at me. i peck her lips and walk away, jisung walking with me.

we walk through the kitchen and into the back room. where hyunjin is calming down jeongin, woojin and felix both holding onto him.

'he's lied, i fucking hate liars.' jeongin pants, he has his eyes stuck on hyunjin as he restlessly sits.

'we'll ask him to leave tomorrow ok? calm down.' hyunjin says, looking at jeongin.

+ha eunhae

all the boys rush out of the room, the slamming of doors heard through the house. yerim sits opposite me, our faces mirroring the same expression. worry.

'is everything ok?' jaehyun says, looking to the kitchen entrance.

'uhm, yeah. i'm gonna go check up on them.' yerim says walking out.

district 9; bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now