I was starting to get worried. I was nineteen and I still didn't have a string. Time was ticking, a little too quickly for my liking. I didn't want a person who was too much younger than me. I shouldn't really mind. Well, I didn't. I just wanted to find out who it was. I kept wondering if I already knew them. Could they be someone that I had accidentally run into on the street recently?
"What was that, Jack?" Evangeline, our lead singer, asked me when she stopped singing in the middle of the song. She always picked out the littlest things. The whole band stopped playing, and Seth looked really annoyed – he was actually the leader of the band but Evangeline liked to think that she was in charge. She scowled at me since I had missed a note. "Let's try again from the top."
We did and we made it to the same part of the song before we had to stop again. She stopped singing mid-sentence and pulled her phone out of her pocket without even saying anything to us, messaging her boyfriend back. It was annoying to use because she did this all the time, at least four times a band practice. She flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder and giggled slightly at whatever stupid message her boyfriend had told her. Seth let out a huge sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose before turning to Evangeline. "Eva, can you leave the band? I can't deal with you stopping us before we even sing a complete song every practice. It's hindering the progress of the band."
"Fine!" She shouted, her anger appearing from nowhere, and she stormed out of the room. It was clear that if she went that easily, she didn't really want to be in the band. It was stupid to think that she had actually cared about the band to begin with. She clearly hadn't given a crap and now we were down a lead singer, which was disastrous because none of us could actually sing, which was the only reason we had asked her to join the band in the first place.
"Jack, can you book this place for a week Sunday to hold the auditions, please? Emma, put some posters around the college." Seth said, thinking that we clearly needed to find a new singer as quickly as possible. Since it was clear that this practice was over, he started to pack away his guitar. "We need to find a new lead singer as soon as possible. I have got to go and finish that assignment for tomorrow while you guys sort the room and the posters. So, I'll see you tomorrow to help you put them up around campus. Sorry, guys, but I'm just so angry that I need to go and vent."
Seth headed from the room and there was no doubt that he was going home to not do his work. He was probably just going to go home and grump, maybe watch a TV show or something to see if that would make him feel better, and then he would rush to do the assignment in the morning. He was an idiot like that. I turned to Emma, who shrugged and started talking to me. "I'll edit the poster I got and email it to Dylan for him to print off. I'm meeting him for dinner, so, will you help me put them up in the college tomorrow?"
"Sure, Seth will grump and probably be no help but at least we can get a large number up before you have to go. I could always put some more up after you go, anyway. I'm just booking this place for next Sunday." I answered, looking at the application that I'd downloaded on my phone. I worked at the community centre a few evenings a week, just booking the rooms and cleaning, so, I booked us in for a three hour slot. That should be enough time for the auditions. I got up and wheeled the little stage thing that the drums were on to the corner, and then helped Emma move her keyboard. "Right, I'm going to finish that assignment. Say 'hi' to Dylan for me."
"Will do. Bye." Emma replied, starting to put her things in her backpack.
I headed from the community centre, almost knocking someone over when I did so. "Shit! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I asked, kneeling down to help them pick up the papers that had fallen. Then I looked up at whoever it was. I stopped. Bright blue eyes caught my attention first, the cheeks that were slightly pink, too. He was so cute! I was pretty sure that I had seen him somewhere before, too. "Um, here you go. Sorry for bumping into you and sorry for messing up your papers."
String of Fate
Short StoryEveryone has a soulmate, right? Sure, they're just really difficult to find. It'd be a lot easier to find them when you have a string to guide the way, but what if you don't find who you're expecting? What if your perfect partner is the person who's...