Chapter Fifty Five

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I felt someone shaking my shoulder. I shrugged it off. Sleep was nice at the moment. I hadn't been sleeping much lately but this was nice. I felt someone put a hand on my back now. "Theo, you need to get up. Your lesson is over now."

"What?" I exclaimed, surprised at the sound of Molly's voice. I sat up, turning sharply to her. She was surprised, stepping back. "Sorry to scare you, Molls. I fell asleep when the lesson started."

"I gathered." Molly replied, giving me a little smile. I chucked my notebook and the pen in my bag, zipping it up and chucking it on my shoulder. I wondered why Tilly hadn't woken me up, but then I glanced at the door to realise that Tilly was standing in the corridor, talking to her boyfriend of four years, Lee. "Let's go."

"Sure." I answered, following her from the room. I had thought that Tilly would have been at the end of my string, but then hers had appeared and mine hadn't. I didn't feel that bad about it. Lee was good for her. Now, I didn't know who would be at the end of my string.

The four of us headed from the college and towards the bus stop. Tilly and Lee raced ahead. I could have easily kept up with them, but then Molly would have been by herself. Tilly and Lee were chatting happily out of earshot. "So, how come you rushed to get me up?"

"Well, I was sick of being the odd point of the triangle, so, I needed you to make it a triangle based pyramid." She explained to me. Was that her way of saying that she didn't want to be a third wheel?

I was confused until I remembered that she was a GCSE student who would be going over all the work that she had learned ready for the dreaded exams. "What lesson did you have maths?"

"Last." She answered, her cheeks going slightly red as she blushed. I actually found it quite cute. I had never noticed that she had got quite attractive. Tilly was the 'hot older sister' but there was still something about Molly that could hold the attention. "How boring was your last lesson?"

"It wasn't boring, I've just been having trouble sleeping in the nights." I told her. When we reached the bus stop, Tilly and Lee were still chatting and Molly stood awkwardly by my side. There were quite a few students here already and I kind of wished that I had my own car instead of having to share with my dad, so, I could rarely use it. If I did have my own car, I could give the four of us a lift in. It would be so much easier than catching a bus. "So, how is your maths revision coming along?"

"It sucks." She admitted. I know it was her worst subject and she hated going to lessons. In that way we were opposites. I'd always found maths to be easy. "I just can't seem to get better. I'm averaging at an 'E', so, I'm going to fail. Unless there's a miracle, I'm going to fail."

"I could teach you." I offered on impulse. I surprised myself by offering but I realised that I didn't mind the idea of teaching her maths. I'd surprised her as well. That was obvious by the way that her eyes widened. I could tell that she thought that I was joking. "I'm serious. I don't mind teaching you if you're struggling. When are you free? Tomorrow or Sunday?"

"Well, tomorrow is Saturday and you have been looking forward to going to see that movie for months with Tilly, so, that's out." Molly said aloud. It took me a moment to realise that she was just thinking out loud.

"I'm not going tomorrow." I told her. She looked at me, surprised again. Had she really noticed that I had been really looking forward to the movie? She always noticed things that other people missed. "You could always come with me and we can do some studying after it."

"That actually sounds pretty good." She answered, blushing slightly. "What time does the film start?"

"I'll pick you up at one and we can grab food before it starts. Make a day of it." I rambled. I was slightly worried that she would say 'no' and I didn't know why. Maybe it was because I really wanted to see the film or it may have been because I wanted to spend time with Molly. Maybe it would be good if she was at the end of my string since I enjoyed spending time with her. I was slightly scared at that because I didn't want to be disappointed at Molly's sixteenth birthday when her string connected her to someone else. I immediately pushed that thought from my mind. I hated how my thoughts always drifted to the topic of my string.

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