// P R O L O G U E //

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„Lacey, get off of that laptop of yours and start getting ready. We're leaving in ten minutes and don't think I fucking care if I have to drag you there in your sweatpants and hoodie. You've been locked up in here for way too long, it's time for you to go and actually experience the real world." Ella shouted at her whilst rearranging her hair for what seemed to be the tenth time in the last five minutes.

Sighing Lacey saved the document she'd been working on, her final paper for her history class, and closed her laptop. She had been trying to get out of this night of useless drinking and quite likely also some even more useless drug-taking since she was told that her friends wouldn't take no for an answer this time, but all efforts had been useless. It wasn't as if she didn't enjoy going out with her friends, she generally did, but her number one priority was her education and messing that up by having a little too much fun on the weekends just didn't sit well with her.

"I'm guessing you've already chosen an outfit for me?" Lacey assumed as she walked over to where her best friend was still standing, seemingly still unsatisfied with the way her hair looked.

Ella smiled at her through the mirror, happy that she had gotten Lacey to go out with her and their friends at least for one night and nodded towards where a black dress was hanging, "I thought you'd probably kill me if I chose something low cut up front, so I thought we'll go with a nice low cut back for you instead. Sophisticated, yet sexy - just the right message to send to all those hot boys who won't be able to tear their eyes off of you tonight." She winked.

Lacey rolled her eyes, but couldn't hide the smirk forming on her face. She was actually excited to go out again, even if that meant that she would have to finish that paper tomorrow with a hangover. Grabbing the dress her roommate had picked out for her, she made her way to their shared bathroom stopping shortly to shake her head at Ella, "You do know that you could walk into that bar with bed hair and the guys would still flaunt all over you?"

Ella shot her a glance through the mirror signaling her to shut up. It was true though, Ella was the kind of girl that guys would do anything for. With her long blonde hair, her tall and slim figure and with legs that seemed to go on for days. Even though Lacey would never admit it, she sometimes hated being her sidekick. Even if she wasn't interested in any of the guys that talked to her best friend, it simply hurt to see that no one was interested in her. Not that she expected them to be, with her simple brown hair, a height of 5'1 ft and thighs that looked as if they formed their own continent when she sat down, but still: she was only human and that meant that she craved to be wanted just as everyone else.

After quickly applying some eyeliner and eye shadow, she slipped into the little black dress and smiled at her reflection. Once again Ella had outdone herself: the dress hugged Lacey in just the right places accentuating her tiny waist while flowing a bit more around her thighs. Turning around she could also see that the low cut back did exactly what Ella had promised. It showed off her toned back, without making her seem desperate.

"Are you ready?" Ella shouted from the hall.

"I'm coming!" Lacey shouted back.

Giving herself one last glance in the mirror, she decided that she truly did look beautiful tonight and promised herself that she would enjoy this night with her friends, no matter what might be coming at her.

A/N: I know there's no Matty or The 1975 in this yet, which doesn't make it very exciting, but I thought it'd be better to explain who Lacey was and stuff before jumping right into it. I promise you'll have some Matty in the next chapter though. Please vote and comment - it'd mean the world. much love, m

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now