// C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S I X //

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"Why did you do this to me you fucking asshole?! How could you cheat on me when we have a baby, Richard?! We have a family! Doesn’t that mean anything to you?!” The dramatic voice of a clearly upset woman boomed through the speakers of the huge television screen the lovely hotel had so generously placed in their hotel suite, or rather Matty’s suite in which she was residing until she could get the hell out of this for her now doomed country.

“Fucking Richard.” Lacey muttered as she shoved another spoon of Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked ice-cream into her mouth. She couldn’t quite believe how stereotypical she was acting, she didn’t even want to buy ice-cream and lie in bed with her make-up smeared all over her face in the first place. Instead, she had wanted to catch the very next flight back to London, which ended up being a rather difficult task at eleven p.m. with no planes departing until morning. Even if she hadn’t wished to have to return to their hotel room, her mind simply couldn’t come up with any other place to go to in this foreign country. So it came, that as she had made her way back to the fancy hotel that only reminded her of him, the neon lights of the 24hour supermarket had seemed nothing but inviting since it was yet another place to escape having to go back to his clothes, his bags and most of all, his smell for a few more minutes. She hadn’t even cared that it had been a shady place with an odd mix of people: drunk men buying alcohol to get even drunker, kids that thought they were oh-so-cool by trying to buy themselves a few beers and lastly, tear-stricken, emotional messes of girls who all seemed to carry the same item in their hands: ice-cream. Of course, she had known about the cliché: girl gets her heart broken, girl watches soap operas to make her own dramatics seem a bit less dramatic and finally, girl eats away her feelings with her two good old friends: Ben & Jerry’s. If anyone had told her that she was going to succumb to that trend, she would have probably laughed at them and called them crazy. But standing there in the aisle the only thing that had popped into her mind was: maybe it does help wash away the hurt and even the mere possibility of feeling less of that immense pain which seemed to curse through her body was enough for her to grab the biggest pot.

“As if I’m the only one at fault here, Maria! You were the one who stopped wanting to have sex – of course I’m going to get it somewhere else then! I have needs for Christ’s sake!” Richard’s voice boomed through the room, causing Lacey to stop rising her ice-cream to her mouth mid-way as her jaw dropped.

“Oh no, he didn’t.”  She mumbled angrily, so done with Richard and his antics, which once again caused a wave of angry questions to cloud her mind: Why did men have to be that way? Couldn’t they just stand up for their mistakes instead of having to point out flaws in the other person involved? Did they honestly think their ‘I’m not the only one here’ tactic helped their case?

Before her mind could continue ranting about how ridiculous men were, especially a certain one named Matthew Healy, a familiar song played throughout the room and not only interrupted her thoughts, but also Maria’s sobs coming from the TV.

As soon as she realized that it was her phone which was singing the soft sound, she practically flung herself out of her bed, which ended up being quite hard in her self-made cocoon from the tons of blankets wrapped around her. She hated to admit it, but as soon as she held the little technical device in her hands, her excitement soon faded when she saw the caller I.D. Ella.

“Hi.” She mumbled disappointedly, though she wasn’t quite sure what caused that feeling. Was it because she had expected to hear his voice telling her he was sorry and he now knew that he loved her and wanted to be with her officially? As if that was ever going to happen.

“Lacey.” Ella’s loud voice floated into her ear along with the sound of very loud and very crappy techno music, “Lacey can you hear me?”

She nodded before realizing her friend couldn’t see her, so she repeated her agreement verbally, “Yes.”

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now