// C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T W O //

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Sunrays hit Lacey’s face, turning the black she saw behind closed eyes to a lighter gray until finally it got to a bright white that made it impossible to keep them shut. Blinking away the little dark circles that clouded her vision at the sudden change of light, she took in her surroundings – realizing she wasn’t in her usual colorful room and instead, in one that mostly consisted out of the non-colors black and white. As soon as her brain registered where she was, she took notice of the arm that was wrapped around her from behind - a gesture that had seemed so natural, so fitting that she hadn’t even thought to acknowledge it before. She smiled at how comfortable she felt with his naked body pressed against hers. It was as if they belonged together, a statement that might seem foolish after the drama and the fights of last night, but which was nonetheless true. The moment last night popped into her mind, she was surprised that the thought of it didn’t hurt nearly as much as she thought it would, probably because of the rather perfect ending. As soon as they had gotten to Matty’s flat, they had done nothing but give each other their all: both physically and emotionally – though of course,  without breaking the rule they both feared so much. It had been a perfect mix of talking and fooling around, of giving and taking. Last night may have been the worst and the best night in their relationship so far, another huge step in the right direction. As she thought about it some more, she realized last night had been their first real fight. Of course, they had had their fair share of disagreements – ranging from her love to study to his sometimes a bit obnoxious self-confidence, but they had not once argued over something in a way that made them actually want to yell at each other, to even call it off because it seemed so senseless. Therefore, the way they had handled it: talking about it and then letting their selves be swallowed by each other’s devotion and passion, seemed extraordinary to her. If there was one thing she knew for sure now, it was that even though Matty and her weren’t a couple yet, they had a quality a lot of relationships could only wish for: the ability to argue without letting the argument ruin them.

Wanting to face Matty, she gently turned her body around, careful not to wake him in the process of doing so. His nose scrunched up a bit when her body heat left him for a moment, but soon relaxed itself when she was cuddled into his arms again, even if it wasn’t as comfortable as it had been before. A slow smile spread on her face as she took in the sight of him sleeping. It was as if his usual rather hard and careless exterior had been washed away, leaving behind a man who was just as vulnerable as anyone else. Even though she had always been the one who had needed protection in their relationship, in that moment she felt as if she needed to be the one protecting him from whatever ghosts had lingered on him in the past and might still be taunting him. Daring to let her hand roam through his soft hair freely, she knew she was in way too deep. She also knew, that that revelation should scare her seeing how their connection was anything but secure. But in that moment she didn’t shy away from her deepening feelings for Matty and instead welcomed them and whatever they might bring in the future.

Stirring at her touch, Matty slowly opened his eyes – a slow smile spreading on his face when he saw who the cause of his waking up was.

“Morning.” He mumbled sleepily as he kissed Lacey’s forehead, burying her head in his chest.

He felt her smile against his skin, as she returned his greeting, “Good morning.”

Tightening his arms around her, simply because he felt incredibly blessed to still be able to do so after the way he had messed up last night, “Last night was quite the night, eh?”

She pushed him away slightly, for one because she wanted to look into his beautiful hazel eyes, but also because she couldn’t quite breathe with him squeezing her so tightly, “It was, but I’m happy with the way it turned out in the end.” She admitted with a smile on her face.

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now