// C H A P T E R N I N E T E E N //

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“Hey Lace.“ She felt someone nudge her, breaking her out of her dreamless sleep, “We’re there, love.” Matty announced as she opened her eyes and looked up at him tiredly.

Lifting her hand to rub at her sleepy eyes, she stopped midway remembering the elaborate make-up she had applied that morning, “How long did I sleep for?” She instead muttered groggily, more to herself than anybody else, before her brain finally registered the change of wardrobe Matty had undergone.

It was quite odd to see the usually so casually dressed Matthew Healy in a suit and tie. Of course, he had not settled for a bog-standard black suit. Instead, he was wearing a brown piece that seemed elegant enough to suit the occasion, but not too elegant to clash with his messy dark hair and careless aura. She chuckled at the way his white dress shirt was sloppily tucked into the front of his pants, hanging out from the sides. He probably hadn’t even wanted to put on a shirt at all, but apparently had enough understanding to know that might be a bit too daring for the kind of celebration they were attending.

Noticing her deciphering his unusual choice of wardrobe, he smirked, “Quite the unusual sight, eh?”

“I feel like everything that doesn’t involve black, white or some floral print is quite unusual for you, Matty.” She rolled her eyes and sat up, quickly checking her hair and make-up in her phone.

Letting her rearrange a few strands of her brown hair and re-apply her lipstick, he waited patiently before asking if she was ready to go and meet everyone before the festivities started.

Feeling the nervousness at the prospect of meeting his family build up inside her, she quickly replied “Yeah let’s go” before her brain might tell her to chicken out.

Deep down, she knew it was ridiculous to be nervous about meeting Denise and Louis. After all, she had seen her fair share of Celebrity Big Brother, which made it quite clear that Denise was a very outgoing and happy person. Still, she was somehow frightened that she might not take a liking to Lacey. After all, they were so utterly different from each other. While Denise seemingly had no problem sharing stories out of her life with people, Lacey much rather preferred to keep to herself. She was praying internally that the old saying Opposites attract were to be true for just this one afternoon and that Denise wouldn’t find her to be too boring for her eldest son. In the end, there was nothing that had the power to destroy whatever feelings Matty had gathered for her in the past few months more than his mother’s disapproval.

Seeing her thoughtful expression, Matty cracked up a bit, “Are you seriously nervous right now, Lace?”

“Well, how would you feel if you were about to meet my parents?” She challenged.

He put his arm around her, “I’d be excited to meet the people who were the reason for how you turned out to be.” She huffed at him in disbelief and he laughed before he continued, “Seriously, I mean we both get along quite well, I would dare say. So why should I be nervous about meeting someone who has shaped your life enough that you carry certain traits of them with you? We’re bound to get along.”

Still not believing him, she shrugged and just accepted his attempts at getting her to loosen up, “Let’s just go in and meet them.”

“It’ll be fine, just don’t live in your head.” He kissed her forehead lightly before walking them from the privacy of the parking lot up to the the patio of the town hall, where the reception was being held.

There was an immense amount of people crowding the small area, all with champagne glasses in their hands just laughing and visiting with each other. It was one of the few sunny October days they had gotten in England and she was sure the bridal pair had woken up with a smile on their face as the sunrayshad greeted them on their very special day.

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now