// C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S E V E N //

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"You love me?“ Lacey stared incredulously at the man who stood in front of her – a man, whom she apparently knew nothing about.

His pants were still unbuttoned from almost receiving a blo~wjob from a girl that wasn’t Lacey, his hair was disheveled from him running his hands through it in frustration repeatedly and his face was wet with tears. He seemed to contradict himself: on the one hand stood a man who had unlimited possibilities to achieve and receive everything he ever wanted while on the other hand stood man who was too lost in his own head to take advantage of it and therefore, ended up being swallowed up by a mess he mistakenly built himself up in his otherwise perfect world. It was as if his feelings, which from what she had just overheard were incredibly deep and heartfelt, depicted the complete opposite of the cool exterior he had shown her during all those months they had known each other.

Her lack of reaction confused her. All the times she had lain awake in bed with her mind making up stories about what would happen if Matty ever said those three magical words to her, the Lacey in her thoughts had been purely ecstatic. After all, that was all she had ever wanted from the moment she had met him. Somehow though, standing there in the club’s disgusting bathroom, she couldn’t bring up the slightest bit of excitement. There wasn’t even the slightest hint of happiness on her face – no twinkle in her eyes, no smile, no nothing. Instead, a hole seemed to have formed in her stomach making her feel empty, odd and incredibly confused with herself and her feelings.

She looked back at Matty, who seemed to return her stare with the same intensity as hers. It was as if the both of them were locked in a staring contest, waiting for the other one to break down and say something, or simply do something – anything that would get them out of this awkward yet intimate situation. Her mind was set though: this time she wouldn’t be the one to give in. It was Matty’s turn to step up for once instead of her giving in as she had so oftentimes done when she had put his comfortableness above her own feelings – something she wasn’t going to do this time. This time, he would have to either tell her what he wanted from her or let her go. A simple question which required a simple answer, and she wasn’t going to leave without it.

Her gaze probably communicated her determination, for Matty finally shifted his eyes towards the floor and sighed deeply, “How long have you been here, Lace?”

She shook her head, feeling herself grow madder by the minute – of course, he had to reply with a question instead of giving her a plain yes or no, “Enough to hear her suck your dick.” She stated bluntly, pointing towards the Norwegian girl quite rudely – a gesture she couldn’t even begin to feel sorry about in the moment, “And enough to hear that you supposedly love me.”

With the mention of the word supposedly his head shot up and his eyes landed on hers, an expression of hurt visible in them, “Supposedly?” He almost spat, clearly getting mad himself from being greeted by Lacey with a pissed off attitude – though he assumed he probably had earned that.

Throwing her hands up to her sides as a gesture of frustration, she exclaimed, “Well of course, supposedly. How am I supposed to take something seriously when meanwhile you’re getting your dick sucked and are obviously drunk as fuck?”

“I’m not that drunk.” He mumbled defensively, which only made her even more certain that he was incredibly wasted.

She rolled her eyes at him and as bad as it sounded, was actually happy that she was the one doing that gesture to him for once, instead of the other one around, “Just tell me, Matty. Tell me what you want from me.” She demanded.

He scratched his head, everything about him screaming I’m a drunken mess, while his eyes travelled the room landing everywhere but on hers, “I want you.” He muttered quietly.

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now