// C H A P T E R E I G H T E E N //

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Lacey stood in front of their dormitory, waiting for Matty, George and apparently also Ella to come pick her up. She had expected her best friend to show up the night before, seeing how she surely needed clothes for their trip. The idea of finally being able to have a heart-to-heart conversation with her friend had excited her and she had waited up until the late hours before she finally fell asleep, accepting that it was going to be yet another night alone in the dorms. In a way, she was almost disappointed of Ella. She simply couldn't understand how someone could be so absorbed in a relationship that they started neglecting everything and everyone else. Though in some ways, the idea of only having eyes for that one certain person sounded almost poetic, it mainly seemed frightening to her. The concept of making someone your number-one priority in life and because of that being willing to do almost anything for them, for the sake of receiving just the tiniest bit of approval from them, simply bewildered her. What if one day they didn't feel the same way about you anymore and left? The downfall would be immense and as she imagined, simply crushing.

Just as she was hoping that Ella wouldn't have to ever endure that, a familiar black car came to a stop right in front of her. She was surprised when Matty jumped out of the backseat and walked over to her, seeing as he usually didn't let anybody else drive his so-called baby.

Noticing her visibly confused expression, he shrugged as he finally reached her, "It was either him driving her or them having sex in the backseat, guess what sounded better to me."

"At least we would have had some entertainment." She joked before cringing at the picture of them doing it in the van about a month before, "Actually, scratch that. I'm glad you let him drive."

"Thought so." He smirked, before his eyes trailed from her face down body, almost turning a shade darker as they took every little bit about her in, "God, Lace. Do you have to make the whole not-having-sex thing so hard for me? Fuck." He muttered as he ran his fingers through his dark locks, wanting nothing more than to call off the whole trip and spend the whole day in her room instead, his mind already clouded with thoughts of what he might do to her.

The all too familiar redness made its way onto Lacey's face, though it would have been a lie to say she hadn't worn her dress on purpose. When she had stood in front of her closet the day before, contemplating on what might be the perfect dress for a wedding, she had texted Matty several times inquiring what he thought she should wear. Of course, Matty being Matty had only replied with a: you'll look good in anything, just wear whatever and after she had asked a second time growing more and more frustrated with every bit of clothing she owned with a: god, Lace. am I your mum who's supposed to dress you? no. Lacey being Lacey, hadn't found his response to be very amusing, of course, and because of that had decided then and there that if he wasn't even willing to help her, he was going to suffer. Her hands immediately had grabbed the lacy dress that had hung in the very back of the rack, the tag still on it due to a lack of events on which she could have worn it. It wasn't even necessarily an exciting dress: just a tightfitting black under-dress topped off with cognac-colored lace that covered her cleavage, but still let enough shine through. Trying it on, she had smiled at her reflection, Matty's words from that very first night echoing in her mind: You're fucking hot, Lacey. All whilst looking classy as shit. You're everything like lace.

Snapping out of her thoughts and returning back to the man with the lustful eyes that stood in front of her, she muttered, "Well, someone didn't want to help me last night, so I figured I might as well just wear this old thing." She shrugged her shoulders, trying to seem nonchalant about it, even though she knew her flushed cheeks betrayed her in doing so.

"Someone wearing that sort of dress is not even allowed to feel embarrassed at the mentioning of sex." He huffed as he slid his arm around her waist and finally lent in to kiss her, whispering in her ear as they broke apart, "Though I must say it's quite brave to wear that around me, since this day is now bound to be filled with sexual innuendos." She felt his hand slide downwards before he roughly grabbed her butt.

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