// C H A P T E R T W E N T Y //

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// about a month later //

“Remind me again why we’re at this party?“ Lacey whispered into Matty’s ear, hoping he could hear her over all the hoots and the whistling caused by several girls breaking out into a twerk marathon after Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda had started playing just seconds ago.

Rolling his eyes, Matty grunted, “Remind me again why this party exists?”

As much as she wanted to give him a plausible explanation for this very absurd party, she couldn’t. She herself simply did not understand why Matty and her were seated on a shabby sofa covered in stains, at a club that no one liked to go to, but had been free to rent on a Saturday night, at an event that was supposed to celebrate two months of George and Ella – as the lovely invitation had read.

Lacey had been surprised to see her best friend’s face when she had stepped into her dorm after her last seminar the Thursday before, even if it had only been on paper. After the wedding, Ella had still not spent a single night in their dorm and instead seemed to live in George’s room – much to Matty’s distaste.

“It’s either they fuck or give each other useless compliments. I don’t need to hear either.” He had announced one night as he stood in front of Lacey’s door, before he simply stomped in and laid down on Ella’s empty bed.

Even though the idea of sleeping in the same room as Matty seemed anything but smart to her, seeing how it would make staying true to the rules she had set so much harder, she had let him stay. And so it came that every night from then on, there had been a knock at her door at about ten p.m., which signalized the arrival of an oftentimes very pissed-off Matty, who seemed to have realized that Lacey’s dorm might be the only place he might ever catch some sleep at.

Therefore, when Lacey had come back to her flat on that said Thursday night, it had only taken about fifteen minutes before he showed up as well. He had immediately known something odd had occurred when she hadn’t greeted him with a kiss and instead, had gone back to her desk without a word.

Holding up a piece of paper, she had demanded, “Look at this.” in an angry voice, which caused him to think back to every single thing he had done in the past few months, calculating whether or not there was something that could have made Lacey this mad.

He had smoked weed, yes, but she could not have possibly been holding that against him, seeing how she had never had a problem with it before.

He had been quite rude to an interviewer after he had asked him where the name The 1975 came from, simply because he had been having a bad day and hell, the guy could have just googled it.

He had also talked to quite a few models and taken pictures with them. Maybe that had been what had set her off?

Deciding that whatever it was, it couldn’t have possibly been something he couldn’t talk himself out off, he strutted over to her and examined the picture. To say he was shocked would have been an exaggeration, but to say he had simply found it funny would have been an understatement. Nonetheless, the reaction that came out of his mouth was a fit of laughter.

Instead of seeing himself with some utterly beautiful girl, he had been confronted with a cheesy picture of Ella and George kissing in the sunset. “What the fuck is this?!” He had questioned incredulously as he caught himself and immediately yanked the piece of paper from Lacey’s hands.  

Instead of waiting for her reply, he had simply read what stood on the extravagant card out loud,

Dear Lacey, Dear Matty,

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now