// C H A P T E R E I G H T //

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Lacey felt the sunlight hit her face, trying to rid her of the peaceful sleep she had encountered that night. Not ready to wake up just yet, she flipped over onto her stomach and buried her face in her pillow. In the back of her mind she wondered why it seemed so uncomfortable. Instead of feeling her fluffy pillow from her dorm, her head lay on something incredibly hard, which made lying face down pretty damn uncomfortable. Groaning at the inevitable wake up, she turned onto her back again and rubbed her eyes, expecting to open them to the familiarity of her own room. As soon as she did open them though, she realized that was not the case. She immediately sat up in shock and took in her surroundings. She was in some sort of living room on a sofa, which explained the lack of comfort. It all seemed familiar, which made her relax a bit, but she couldn't quite get her brain to tell her where exactly she was just yet. Her eyes continued to roam the room, looking for some more hints as to where she was. She couldn't quite put a finger on why her memory was so hazy. She was sure that she hadn't been drinking, otherwise there would be that familiar sour taste in her mouth, which meant that something else must've happened. Her gaze suddenly stopped on several drawings lining the wall and it was as if the memories came flooding back to her at once: Ross, Matty, the prostitute and lastly, smoking weed. As soon as she remembered it all, she felt a sharp pain underneath her breast and she didn't even have to look to know there was a tattoo there.

"Fuck." She muttered as she dropped back down against the sofa. She couldn't believe that she had smoked weed. Now she knew why she had never felt the need to do so. It had never happened to her before that she had such a memory loss after a night out, no matter how much she drank. She wasn't even aware that weed could do such a thing. Headaches, confusion, even being super energized - she had heard and witnessed it all, but not being able to clearly remember the night before? Never. She only hoped she hadn't done or said anything stupid, but something told her that she probably had. Having a horrible thought, Lacey sprung up from the sofa and ran towards the closest mirror. Not even caring for one second that she would be standing there half naked since she wasn't even wearing her bra for some reason, she hiked up the black shirt she was in (which probably belonged to Matty) and stared at her new tattoo. She was relieved when she saw that it was in fact the one she had wanted. She had been scared that she had gotten a marijuana leaf or something of that sort in her state last night. Getting over the initial flow of relief that had washed over her, she inspected her new tattoo a bit more closely. Just as Matty and she had agreed on, it said 'indecisive eyes'. It wasn't done in a font she knew - in fact it looked more like someone's handwriting. It made sense to her, Ross had probably just written the two words himself to save himself some time. She wasn't going to complain either, the messy handwriting somehow seemed to complete the tattoo, she couldn't really imagine it looking any different.

"Well, good morning to you, too." Matty's voice suddenly brought her back to reality.

Seeing how he had just seen her half naked, Lacey couldn't stop the redness that rushed into her cheeks as she quickly pulled down the shirt, "Uh hey, good morning." She stammered uneasily.

Cocking an eyebrow, he came to stand behind her and pulled her close, so the both of them were looking at themselves in the mirror that hung before them, "Well that doesn't quite sound like the Lacey I remember from last night." He laughed lightly and traced his finger over her reddening cheek, "That Lacey wouldn't have been one bit embarrassed by me seeing her like that. She would have risen to the occasion."

Even though she felt warm all over from his touch, she couldn't help but stiffen at his words, "W-what happened?" She stuttered, already dreading the answer.

He looked at her through the mirror, smirking a bit, "You don't remember?"

She shook her head in response, "I remember that we smoked together, but I guess that stuff somehow messed with my head."

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now