// C H A P T E R S I X //

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"What. The. Fuck?" Lacey and Matty broke apart from their kiss to see both George and Ella standing in the doorway, looking at them. While Ella just stared incredulously at her best friend in an attempt to figure out how on earth she had gone from 'please don't ever leave me alone with him' to downright making out with him, George just laughed as he crossed over to them and patted Matty's back.

"Well done, mate." He smirked, then winked at Lacey, "Knew you couldn't stay away from that one for too long."

While Lacey immediately blushed at that, Matty just grinned as he lit another cigarette, "Whatever you say, George, whatever you say."

"Well I personally think..." Ella began as she also walked over to where their group was standing and grabbed onto her friend's arm, "that Lacey and I should probably go get some pizza or something for us all, so you guys have time to do your soundcheck and we have some time to talk."

Ignoring Lacey's protesting stares directed at him, Matty smirked and said, "Sounds good to me." While George nodded in agreement.

"Perfect, see you guys later." Ella smiled as she pulled her best friend with her, whispering so the others wouldn't notice, "now tell me everything."

~ * ~

After recounting exactly when, why and how the kiss between Matty and her had happened, the girls arrived back at the venue with several pizza boxes in their hands. The guys were still rehearsing one of their songs when they came in, so both of them silently agreed to watch them from the back door in order to not disturb them. Lacey took that time to observe Matty a bit better. She noticed how he seemed to be completely transformed on stage. Instead of his usual 'I don't care about shit'- attitude, she could see how much his music meant to him. He looked so passionate when he sang, even though, as far as he could tell, there was no one there to watch them. The song they were playing neither a fast nor a slow song. It was a song she kind of wanted to sway to, to get lost in. She concentrated on the lyrics, thinking she could maybe get inside of Matty's usually so messy thoughts.

"You're alive, at least as far as I can tell you are,

And so am I, you beat me down and then we're back to my car,

And it's so ironic, how it's only been a year,

And it's not my fault that I fucked everybody here."

Lacey shook her head, smiling a bit to herself. His lyrics were just as confusing as his words and actions could sometimes be. It sounded like he had been hurt by someone, but the tune of the song gave it a more happy feeling, so she couldn't be quite sure. The only thing she had truly registered was that he apparently had a ton of sex, which didn't really surprise her that much. The moment she had first laid eyes on him, she had thought of him as not exactly a 'bad boy', but someone who just did whatever he wanted to do, no matter what society would think of him afterwards.

After the song had ended with Matty jumping onto George's drum set and throwing his hair back and forth about a hundred times, Lacey repositioned the boxes in her arms and clapped lightly as she crossed over to the guys.

Panting a bit from his performance, Matty sat down at the edge of the stage and asked, "How long have you guys been here? I didn't even see you."

"We just heard a bit of the last song, didn't want to disturb you." She shrugged and placed her boxes onstage.

"Did you like it?" The guy on the guitar called over from where he was standing.

"Uh yeah, you guys were good." She smiled at him, "Matty's singing however..." She shrugged and laughed as his hand grabbed her waist and pulled her to the space between his legs.

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now