// E P I L O G U E //

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// E P I L O G U E //

His hot breath grazed her neck while her hands left scratches all over his back - their bodies moving in the same rhythm: giving and taking, giving and taking, giving…

She couldn’t believe how long she had kept from experiencing this. This utter act of self-devotion, of love, of passion, though in some ways she was glad she had waited for him. No matter how mad it might sound to other people, who might chide her for calling a young romance true love, she was certain that that was exactly what Matty and her shared. Even with her mind growing blurry with every added thrust and her mouth being unable to form any other sounds but moans, it was clear to her that she loved this man with all her heart.

The man who had walked up to her in a smoky bar one night, only having eyes for her even though her beautiful friends were right next to her.

The man who had urged her to try new things, to do what she had always wanted to do and not to care about what others thought too much.

The man who had not only made her fall in love with him, but also herself and everything that had made her that way.

“Fuck.” Matty’s groan sounded in her ear and she herself had to close her eyes from the extreme pleasure that was cursing through her body, her hands gripping tightly to his back in order to give her some sort of halt.

His breath was panted as he demanded, “Look at me Lace, c’mon look at me babe.”

She opened her eyes though it took extreme effort to do so and instead, looked into the hazy eyes of the man whose body had become one with hers. His thrusts became sloppier, his breath became heavier and right in the moment where she lost it, finally succumbing to the intense sensation which had built up inside of her – he let himself go as well. In that moment, there was no Matty or Lacey, there was only them. An item, which finally had found its way together after months of denying it.

Matty rolled over in the bed, quickly putting his arms around her to pull her close. He wanted to savor every single moment he got with Lacey, now that he could properly call her his girlfriend. It was as if the moment she had returned those three simple words, his brain had finally kicked in and showed him just how much he actually loved her and most of all, how unwilling he was to ever let her go again.

“So, do you not talk after sex or?” Lacey’s voice suddenly filled the silence that had gathered around them due to him being lost in his thoughts of her and he chuckled at her innocence.

“Want to do a feedback round?” He smirked and didn’t even wait for her response knowing that it would be something that most likely included lots of embarrassed stuttering, “I really need you to look at me next time you c-“

He was interrupted by her groaning in frustration and covering her eyes with her hands, “You’ll never let that go will you?” She muttered as she peeked through her fingers, secretly admiring his features as he grinned down at her.

“Not as long as you get embarrassed from talking about sex.” He mumbled as he peeled her hands from her face in order to be able to look in those beautiful eyes of hers again, “Especially since that’s something we’re gonna do a lot from now on.” He winked at her and burst out laughing once he saw her cheeks redden again.

Groaning, she demanded, “Stop” as she buried her head into his naked chest breathing in his scent, which now not only smelled of cigarette, wine and the lingering smell of leather – but also of sweat and body heat, or simply sex.

Instead of replying, he just laughed softly while his hand ran through her tangled hair until its color suddenly reminded him of something.

“Lace?” He asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled around them.  

“Hm?” She murmured sleepily, obviously exhausted from everything that had happened that day, from everything they had done.

“Do you have the list with you?” He asked, hoping silently that she wouldn’t question him as to why he needed it and simply give it to him instead.

Apparently, his thoughts were heard because instead of replying, Lacey simply rolled out of his arms and to the other side of the bed where she grabbed her carelessly discarded purse and handed it to him, “It’s somewhere in there.”

Taking it from her, he began rummaging around her belongings until he finally spotted the little piece of paper, which had brought the both of them so much closer.

“So…” He mumbled as he unfolded it, grabbing a pen with the hotel’s name printed on it from their nightstand afterwards, “I think we’ve got some work to do here.”

Her nose scrunched up in confusion as she looked up at him, “What are you talking about?”

“Well, let’s see…” He started as he read through the points again, “Number four: dye my hair a crazy color.” Smirking he looked at the turquoise hair, which was sprawled all over his chest, “I think it’s safe to say that happened.” He crossed it off.

“That was the last one right?” She asked as she sat up a bit, in order to look him in the eyes.

Smiling he mumbled, “Well not quite.” Before reading out the last remaining point on their list of adventures, “There’s still number one left.”

She immediately knew what point number one included, since it had always been the one thing she wanted most. So instead of replying to his comment, she sat up and grabbed the piece of paper she had composed when she had been eighteen years old. Taking the pen next, she drew a thick line through point number one: not to please Matty or even be romantic, but simply because she knew she had truly accomplished it.

“So we completed your list then, eh?” He raised his eyebrows with a smile resting on his lips.

Smiling back, she mumbled, “Looks like we did.”

Together, they looked at the little piece of paper that had not only given them an excuse to continue seeing each other, but which had also been a great part in forming their relationship.

“I love you, Lace.” Matty mumbled as he looked at the crossed-off words, his mind unable to grasp just how deep his feelings were for her.

Smiling, she looked at them as well – knowing he didn’t truly want a response, since the little sentence that was now hidden behind a drawn line spoke for her feelings better than anything else could do.

Number one: fall in love with someone so badly, you’d do anything for them

 A/N: Lacey is officially over and I may or may not be incredibly sad about that since I loved writing this story, but I feel like you guys can already notice in the last few chapters how rushed writing has been for me the last few days. Who knows? Maybe I'll get bored soon and come up with cool new people and bore you with more stories haha. Anyhow, onto this last epilogue and here we go with a last question round. Ready? ok.

1) be honest: how bad was the smut part, I wanted to cringe writing it cause it seemed ridiculously awkward and I'm really not that person who gets embarrassed by sexual topics but I just can't write smut haha 

2) did the ending seem too rushed for you over all or did it seem okay? what I mean by that is that I hope it didn't go from "oh this is the middle of the story" to BAM ending?

3) is this too sappy? I hate sappy romance but gah, I had to be cute so the list could get finished. I tried to tone it down with some Matty being Matty - but did it work or did you want to gag? (you can be honest, actually - please be honest)

and last but not least,

4) general thoughts about the whole story: did you like the characters? was the story line boring or something you've read ten thousand times? that kinda stuff.

so yeah, adios my loves. message me or send me cool fanfics to read - I'll be reading a ton on here anyways and maybe keep an eye out for some random story that might pop up someday. :) also to anyone who will read this after I'm finished: please comment your thoughts as well, I will be on wattpad and would love to hear everyone's thoughts so I can improve my writing and so on. :)

much love, m x 

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