// C H A P T E R S E V E N //

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The concert was amazing. Watching Matty do what he loves put a smile on Lacey’s lips. It was so nice to see him give his all on stage and him getting the love right back from all of his fans. It made her regret staying backstage. She would have much rather been in the crowd, dancing along to every single song with everyone else.

But there was also a perk of her place at the side of the stage, meaning that she was the first one who got to see Matty after the show. As soon as he stepped out of the sight of his fans, she put his arms around his waist and pulled him tight – not caring about all the sweat that lingered on his body.

“You were so, so good.” She whispered into his ear before she softly kissed his cheek.

Slightly out of breath, he laughed, “Oh so now that you’ve seen all these other girls enjoying my singing you do, too?”

Smiling at how he remembered their short banter before, she shrugged innocently, “I may have lied.”

“What?” Matty exclaimed with faked surprise, “The good, proper and incredibly sweet Lacey would lie? I’m shocked.”

“Who would have thought?” She winked.

Chuckling lightly, he leaned in to kiss her forehead, “I’m gonna freshen up real quick and then we’ll head over to Ross’s – is that alright?”

“Sounds good.” She smiled as she watched him disappear into the bathroom, then went to join the others in the ‘sofa room’ as she came to call it.

“There she is!” Ella grinned when she saw Lacey step through the door, “Where were you? I was looking for you, but then stopped cause the guys went onstage.”

Plopping down next to her best friend, she explained, “I watched from the side stage. You should have been there. I probably had the best view of George and all the weird faces he makes while he plays the drums.” She laughed and winked over at George, who sat on Ella’s other side.

“Shut up!” George grinned and punched her playfully, then shifted his eyes towards Ella, “You totally thought that was hot, right?”

Adam suddenly burst out laughing, “Anyone who thinks that is hot, needs to get his eyes checked out.”

Ella immediately burst out laughing herself, “I love how Adam is so quiet most of the time and then he just suddenly chimes in and says something like that.”

“See? Your girlfriend agrees.” Adam winked.

While Ella immediately blushed at being called George’s girlfriend, George grabbed one of the pillows on their sofa and threw it over at Adam only to hit Matty who had just come in through the door.

Observing the pillow that now lay on the floor for a moment, Matty looked questioningly at George, “Did I miss something?”

He shook his head, still smiling, “Your dear friend Lace just thought that she had to bring up the faces I make during drumming and question their beauty.”

“He can’t help it.” Matty shrugged, then laughed at the memory of something, “We once tried to have him play a whole set without doing those faces, but then it was as if all his concentration was directed at not making them anymore and he completely forgot how to play the drums. So we gave up and started to embrace the many grimaces of George.”

Ella cuddled up a bit more to George, “It doesn’t even look that bad,” She laughed, “It’s actually pretty cute.”

“Ugh.” Lacey groaned at their sappiness and also Matty rolled his eyes and let out a disgusted “Oh god.”

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now