// C H A P T E R F O U R T E E N //

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"Looking from the window above,

it's like a story of love, can you hear me?

Came back only yesterday,

moving further away, won't you hear me?"

A soft tune filled the car, lulling both Matty and Lacey out of their dreams and slowly back to reality. They were stretched over the backseat of the car, taking and giving each other their body heat while the air around them remained cold. Even though the cold night and the uncomfortable seats of the car weren't the best odds for a good night's sleep, they had both somehow managed to fall into a deep sleep, not having stirred a bit in each other's arms.

After the tune had played for a few seconds, waking her up more and more, Lacey's brain kicked in as she realized it must have been a phone ringing. She sat up, rubbing her eyes to get as much sleepiness out of her system as possible. She looked over at Matty, who didn't seem as disturbed as she was by the slow melody filling the car. While Lacey climbed up to the front seat in order to locate what was probably Matty's mobile ringing, he simply snuggled himself back into the cushions trying to grasp on to the last few moments of peaceful sleep. After a few minutes of her hand feeling around for the device the sound came from, she finally felt something metallic and pulled it up to see that it was indeed Matty's iPhone. By the time she managed to look at the screen, the ringing had stopped and instead it showed a simple notification: G-Dans (20 missed calls).

Knowing that something must be wrong, if George had called him that often, she crawled back to where Matty was sleeping.

"Matty." She nudged him softly, which only caused him to scrunch his nose up a bit, before he mumbled something undefinable and continued his sleep.

Sighing she tried again, "Hey, Matty." She repeated, a little louder this time as she shook his shoulders in an attempt to finally get him to wake up.

Groaning, he finally opened his eyes while rubbing at them sleepily, "Ugh Lace, what time is it? I feel like I haven't slept at all."

She blushed a bit at the memories of the night before. They had in fact not gotten much sleep at all, talking and caressing each other into the late hours of the night. If she were asked what the best night of her life had been so far, she would immediately mention this one without a single moment of hesitation. There was something about being able to connect to another person so intensely on both a physical and emotional level. She had never had that kind of connection with someone and she couldn't imagine Matty having had something like this, either - no matter how many girls he had been involved in before her.

Getting back to his question about what time it was, she pressed the home button of his phone causing it to light up and display the time, "11am." She told him.

Hearing this, Matty immediately sat up in his seat, every bit of his earlier sleepiness suddenly forgotten, "What?!" He exclaimed as he grabbed the phone from her, checking himself, "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He muttered as he jumped out of the car and rushed to the front seat, not caring one bit that he was only dressed in his black skinny jeans.

Lacey climbed up to the passenger's side reluctantly, not quite understanding where this sudden rush was coming from, but assuming that it must have something to do with the many calls from George.

Noticing her confused expression, Matty explained, "Our band has this huge interview at The Morning Show - you know it?" He asked and of course, she did - after all it was known to be one of the most popular tv shows in the UK, "Well that interview is supposed to start right now at 11am."

"Shit." She muttered as she bit her lip, feeling as if it was somehow her fault, even though she technically knew that it wasn't. Still, she somehow felt the need to apologize, "Sorry... I only heard your phone ringing on George's last call and when I got to it, he had already hung up."

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now