// C H A P T E R F I V E //

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Lacey stood in front of her closet, unsure of what to wear. She didn’t really feel like trying to make herself look good. After all what was the sense in that? Matty probably wouldn’t even cast her a second glance after what had happened between them that morning. Sighing she pulled out her high-waisted black jeans, a simple white t-shirt and a comfortable red flannel shirt, she had stolen from her brother back when she had lived at home.

“You’re not seriously going to wear that are you?” Ella looked at her in shock.

Rolling her eyes, Lacey stripped out of her sweatpants and put on her black jeans, “Be happy that I’m going with you at all. I could just as well stay home and leave you to yourself.”

“Ugh, fine.” She rolled her eyes, then whined a bit more, “I’ll look so overdressed next to you though. At least exchange the flannel for a leather jacket or something?”

“No.” Lacey said simply, then looked over at what her best friend was wearing. She looked stunning as always, in her dark red skater dress that showed just enough cleavage. Her hair was lying on her shoulder in a lazy braid, with strands sticking out every here and there. It looked careless, as if she had just woken up like that, but of course Lacey knew that Ella had spent about an hour getting ready and working on that hairstyle, “You look incredible, not overdressed at all…” She smiled and quickly changed the topic, “Plus you have someone to make a good impression on. What’s up with you and George anyways?”

Ella blushed and turned away, muttering, “Nothing.”

Lacey was so surprised at her reaction, she couldn’t contain a laugh, “What’s up with you El?! I’ve never seen you act so shy when talking about a guy.”

“Well you’ve never seen me with someone like George.” She replied a bit snappy.

Lacey raised her eyebrows, “Someone like George?”

Her friend finally turned to her and sighed, “Yeah someone like George. Someone who is incredibly hot, yet incredibly lovingly at the same time. Someone who doesn’t just reduce me to my looks, but actually wants to get to know the real me. Someone who-“

“Someone you actually like.” Lacey finished for her, smiling, “I’m happy for you El.”

“Well there’s nothing to be happy for yet, we’re not dating or anything.” Ella sighed, then smirked at her, “Which is why we have to go to that concert venue now and change that.”

With that, she grabbed Lacey by the hand and pulled her outside with her, not listening to her protests about how she still had to pack her handbag.

“You’ve got your phone, that’s all you’ll need”, was all she had to say as they made their way outside and to the venue.

~ * ~

“What the fuck is she doing here?” Matty exclaimed right when Ella and her walked in.

She rolled her eyes, already having enough off of his attitude, “Nice greeting, Matthew.” She watched him cringe at her use of his full name, “I’m not here to see you anyways, I’m here to hang out with Ella while George is performing.”

Clearing her throat at the mentioning of her name, Ella stepped forward and offered Matty her hand, “I’m Ella. I know we met each other briefly this morning, but you didn’t really pay much attention to me, so might as well just introduce myself again.”

“Ella, right right I remember. George’s girl of the night.” He smirked as he shook her hand.

“What kind of bullshit is this one telling everyone?” George rolled his eyes grinning as he walked in. “It’s lovely to see you again.” He smiled as he leaned in and kissed Ella’s forehead, which caused both Matty and Lacey to let out an exasperated ‘ugh’.

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now