// C H A P T E R T H R E E //

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Lacey woke up shivering and disorientated. Rolling onto her side she absently felt around for her phone, but instead of feeling the hard cool surface of her nightstand she felt something soft and warm, something like a face. Immediately, her eyes flew open and she looked over to see Matty lying there, slowly waking up himself thanks to her hitting his face repeatedly. Sighing she sat up and took in her surroundings. Matty had brought her to the top of a hill, a place he said he loved to “get high” at. She didn’t really get why he would even want to get high there, when it was already so beautiful sober. They could see the whole town stretched out before them, already bursting with life while they were surrounded by nature. Sort of separate from the anonymity of the city, but not quite. Looking down she wondered what time it was. People were already running around, busses were driving through the streets and the sun was also up, which meant it was probably early morning with the first people going to church or wherever they were going on a Sunday morning. She felt for her mobile phone in her jacket, trying to find out what time it was. At 10am she had an appointment with her history professor to discuss her paper and she hadn’t even finished it yet. There was nothing she hated more than disappointing people, but it seemed like she didn’t have much of a choice on that matter today. After all, she had decided to go out instead of staying in and finishing it up, thinking that her professor probably didn’t expect it to be fully finished anyways. Now that she thought about it though, she realized that he probably did care – after all he had made time for her on a Sunday just because she was once again freaking out about her paper not being good enough. Sighing she looked over at Matty, who was rubbing his eyes now apparently not being much of a morning person. It was the first time she saw him in actual daylight, not just beneath the soft lighting of the stars or the flickering lights of the bar. He wasn’t a typical good looking boy. In fact, she probably wouldn’t look twice at him if he passed her in the streets if it weren’t for the way he carried himself. He looked so different from anyone else she had ever met, no matter if boy or girl. He just seemed so interesting, just a quick look at him was enough to make you wonder about who he was and where he came from. Shaking her head, she pushed the thoughts of Matty aside and finally found her phone. Scrolling through countless notifications (most of them from Ella freaking out about Matty and her, she almost forgot about the time before it caught her eye. 9:32 am. Fuck.

Jumping up she gathered all of her things, which thankfully weren’t that many, considering she hated taking stuff with her to bars in the first place. She took off her high heels, which had pained her feet the day before and immediately started running, hoping that it would give her at least a little time to change at home before she went to her professor’s. There was no way that she was going to face him looking and smelling like this.

“What the fuck, Lace?!” She heard Matty yell from behind her and didn’t even glance back at him. She had already made the mistake of staying out too late with him, she couldn’t waste one more second of her precious time to talk things over with him now.

Continuing her run, she suddenly heard footsteps close behind her. “Fuck Lace, please stop and tell me what the fuck is going on. Did I do something wrong? I thought last night was amazing, I don’t see what could have possibly made you mad enough to run away from me.”

Silently she agreed with him and couldn’t help but think of the night they had spent together. They had looked up at the endless horizon of stars above them while talking about pretty much everything that had come to their minds. She had been surprised at the depth of their conversation. Matty had told her stories about his life that seemed like he had never told them to anyone before her, but she was probably just imagining that and should quit making herself feel special. After all, he was a ladies’ man, he had said so himself.

Nonetheless, she couldn’t engage in that conversation with him now, so she simply looked over at him and said as earnestly as she could, “It’s really not about you.” Hoping it would shut him up and make him let her go home without any further discussion.

Getting a hold of her arm, Matty grabbed it and stopped her. He was panting a little as he ran his free hand through his messy hair, “It’s not you, it’s me?! Is that what you want to tell me right now when you’re literally running away from me? Please, Lace cut the shit out and be fucking honest.”

Lacey tried to wriggle herself out of his grip, but without success. Sighing she looked him straight in the eye, “I wasn’t going to give you that line, but like I said it’s got nothing to do with you. I just really have to go.” Seeing that he wasn’t satisfied with her answer, she elaborated to quicken the process and finally have him let go of her, “I have an appointment at ten with my professor today. He made time just for me to go over everything with him and I already have to disappoint him cause I didn’t finish the paper cause I went to that fucking bar last night.” She shook her head, “So it would be pretty fucking rad if you let go of me now, so I don’t have to show up at his place looking like this.”

Matty stared incredulously at her, “Please tell me you have another excuse for your shitty exit, because what I just heard is fucking ridiculous.”

Lacey’s mouth dropped open, “Excuse me?!”

“You heard me.”

She just shook her head, tired of his games, “I just told you the reason why I have to leave like this. Now fucking deal with it and stop wasting my time.”

I’m wasting your time?! Who was the one who had to sleep under stars and couldn’t just go with a quick fuck? I think you’re the one wasting time here.” Matty laughed sarcastically, then shrugged. “Okay well go on then and run to your professor if you think it’s that important. I don’t give a fuck.” With that he turned around and left her to stare after him, thinking about what the fuck had just happened.

She quickly caught herself before she could let his words sink in. She couldn’t afford crying over the words of some messed up guy. She wouldn’t let herself cry. Shaking her head, she picked up her pace again and with a quick muttered “fuck you” she left Matty behind and ran back to the only thing that made her feel safe as opposed to a vulnerable mess: her education.

A/N: The last sentence is so stupid, I apologize for it - I didn't really know how to end this one. Sorry there's nothing cute happening between these two right now, but this just kinda came out and feeled okay. I don't really plan on what to write, I just start and go with it I guess. I hope it was okay though even with all the drama? :) Please, please, please vote and give me some feedback - that would be the sweetest. :) love, m 

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now