// C H A P T E R T W O //

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A/N: I just reuploaded this story because I had clicked "R" as rating instead of "PG-13" and you can't change that back and blahblah, so here it is back up as far as I had it. :) It would be lovely if you could comment with any criticism or general feedback you have. I also apologize if the language is sometimes a bit off. English isn't my first language, so it could very well be that there are some mistakes in there - it would be great if you could tell me if there are so I can change that. Thanks so much to anyone who's reading this and I hope you enjoy. :)

much love, m

// C H A P T E R T W O //

After being at the bar, the air outside felt fresher than any time before. Lacey sighed happily as she took a deep breath and felt her lungs fill with actual air instead of the smokey mist that had lingered inside. Stealing a glance at Matty, she couldn't believe that she was actually going to be hanging out with a guy like him. He had put on his leather jacket to protect him from the cool breeze outside and with it he looked even more like bad news than he had before. Mostly what she couldn't and honestly didn't want to believe was that she was actually attracted to someone like him. After all, he was nothing like her exes. For starters, he had long hair and a sidecut whereas every single guy she had dated before wore his hair short and parted. He also smoked, which was something she usually found incredibly unattractive because she just didn't see the sense in enjoying something that could kill you, but with him it looked hot, almost as if that cigarette completed his whole look. She was sure that people passing them were probably thinking what on earth a guy like him with his 'not caring about anything' attitude was doing with a girl like her, who had obviously tried to impress other people in her short black dress and high heels a little too hard.

"So Lace," Matty's voice finally cut her out of her thoughts, "what do you want to do on a lovely night like this?"

Shrugging she replied, "Well there's a lot of stuff we could do. We could head to another bar or a club, we could catch a late night movie, we could just walk around aimlessly in the streets, we could -"

"I don't care about what we could do, there's lots of things a lad and a girl could do..." He interrupted her smirking, "what do you want to do?"

Looking up at the sky full of stars above them, Lacey didn't think twice before she answered, "I want to look at the stars."

Matty chuckled lightly, "Looking at the stars it is then..." Taking her hand in his he began walking a bit faster, "I know the perfect spot for that."

Lacey looked down at their intertwined hands, hating the feeling it caused in her. It couldn't be that a guy she met just about half an hour ago could make her feel that way. It shouldn't be.

Bringing her back to reality once again, Matty said, "Tell me something about you, Lace."

"I don't like that you call me that." She said instead.

He raised his eyebrows, smirking at her attitude, "Why?"

"Because it doesn't fit me." She shrugged.

"How so?"

Lacey sighed, not really wanting to get into it that much, "I dunno. It seems... seductive, I guess."

He furrowed his eyebrows, not seeming to understand the problem, "Seductive? What's wrong with that?"

"Well that's just not me. I'm not seductive or even interesting in that matter. I'm just plain and simple, nothing special - certainly nothing like lace."

He immediately stopped walking, which caused her to stop too since their hands were still holding onto each other. Looking her straight in the eyes, he shook his head, "You honestly think you're plain?! Fucking look at yourself, Lacey!"

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now