// C H A P T E R E L E V E N //

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They were all seated in a beat up Volkswagen van from the sixties, which may look cool from the outside, but had to be one of the most uncomfortable automobile Lacey had ever sat in. She had already tried to get more comfortable by leaning onto Matty in various matters: her head on his shoulder, her head in his lap, his arm around her and so on, but the only thing she got from that was laughter from Matty's side.

He smirked at her repositioning herself for what seemed to be the twentieth time, "Are you loving this or what?"

Rolling her eyes, she put her feet up on the seat in order to sit crossed-legged, "Yeah, totally what I imagined it would be like."

He laughed at her obvious sarcasm, "Well what did you believe it would be like?"

"I don't know." She shrugged, "I guess I just always thought a road trip would be incredibly romantic and give you this feeling of freedom. But honestly, right now I'm feeling the complete opposite." She said with a nod towards Ella who was sleeping next to her, her head on George's lap while her feet were on top of Lacey's.

Matty laughed at that, "You watch too many movies, love."

She raised her eyebrows at him, "So you don't believe in the utterly romantic idea of a road trip?"

"Well, these are the road trips I experience and as you can see, there's nothing romantic about it. It's mostly just hours of other people drooling in their sleep while you watch the world pass by through your window."

Lacey looked at her surroundings, then back at Matty, "Well of course these aren't the perfect conditions for an incredibly romantic road trip. But imagine: two people who like each other, a destination unknown to them -"

"Sleeping somewhere on the way in the car whilst looking at some mental nature sight." He continued.

"Cuddling by the bonfire."

"Fucking in bushes." He grinned and immediately got punched lightly by Lacey.

She rolled her eyes, unable to contain her own grin, "Way to ruin the moment."

"What's so bad about bushes?" He raised his eyebrows questioningly, the grin still resting on his lips.

She shrugged, "Doesn't sound too romantic."

"So you're a romantic, huh? Want the whole candle, roses, poems sort of thing?" He smiled slightly.

She shook her head, "No, not necessarily. I just don't think that quote-unquote 'fucking in bushes' sounds like something I might enjoy."

"Well, guess we have to see what you'll enjoy when the time comes then." He winked, then put his arm around her, "Now sleep some, you're already lacking last night's sleep and you probably won't get much today either, so better catch up on it now."

Not being able to register much more after him practically telling her that he was planning on being the one who took her virginity, she simply snuggled up to him while her mind explored all the possible scenarios that might happen between them until she fell asleep.


"Lace..." Someone nudged her, waking her up from her dream.

She had dreamed that she had been standing in the ocean. Waves crashing in all around her, pulling her under and pushing her back up above the surface. Even though the principle of it scared her, she had somehow felt at total ease. It was as if she knew that those waves wouldn't kill her. That they would challenge her, yes; that they might possibly hurt her, yes; but she just somehow knew that she would survive and that made her feel safe even if all odds seemed to be against her.

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now