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The sun shines brightly on my face as I wake, and I attempt to cover my face to block out the rays.

As I lay there, I take into account a couple of things.

One: The sadness and emptiness, or what was left of it felt released. I felt free, strong and complete.

Two: I was no longer a virgin.

And, three: I love Hades.

My heart beats against the cage it's confined in, begging to be freed. This feeling..was unlike any other. I was in love. And although it scared me, it also revitalized a part of me that had been lost. It made me feel alive.

I sit up gingerly, already expecting a soreness between my legs. I was surprised to find that it wasn't bad, and was easily bearable.

My feet land on the cool wooden floors, and I wrap the sheet around myself as I walk into the bathroom.

I suppress a gasp when I look into the mirror. I knew something felt different and out of sorts, but I didn't expect this.

My hair was a lighter color, and it was shining healthily as it glinted a reddish color in the light. My eyes had silver flecks in them, and I move my head from side to side to inspect them. My skin was free of blemishes, and it was smoothed perfectly. As if someone gently shaved off all the dead skin cells and bumps and what made people human, and replaced it.

But, the one thing that shocked me the most were the dark, intricate lines on my body. They dived in between my breasts and made swirls around my abdomen.

I wrap the sheet tighter around my body as I leave the bedroom, peaking around the corner for Hades.

I hear clinking noises in the kitchen area, and the smell of pancakes and bacon invade my senses.

My mouth waters and my stomach growls simultaneously. I pad softly into the kitchen, slowing my steps as I near.

My jaw drops as I see Hades cooking, his back to me. Naked.

He turns around as if sensing me and sends a dazzling smile my way. "Hey," he flips the stove off, setting a light brown pancake on a plate.

I close my mouth, clenching the sheet tighter around me. "H-hey." My voice comes out breathily and weak.

Damn you and your sexy body with your hot jawline and pink perfect lips and that beautiful scar that marks your face and makes you ten times more badass and your fit ass and big d-

"Have a seat. I made you some breakfast."

I clear my throat, nodding. Good thing the counter was obscuring my view from him. I wouldn't know what to do if I saw it again.

As I walk deeper into the kitchen, I feel a set of blazing eyes on my back before I reach over for a piece of bacon.

A gust of air hits me, and warm hands lay themselves on my hips as a body presses into me from behind. I shiver as Hades pushes my hair from my face and places a soft kiss on my neck.

"How are you feeling, my love?" His cool breath tickles my ear, creating goosebumps down my arms.

He continues to place soft kisses down my neck as I struggle for an answer.

"F..uh oh my god that feels good...would you stop that!" I stumble over my words as his lips touch my collarbone, and he gives it a light nip.

I shuffle out of his hold, adding distance between us. "I feel fine. I feel great, actually."

He takes a step towards me with an evil smirk and my gaze drops to his now erect penis. My eyes widen as I realize that fit in me.

"Woah! Woah! Slow down there," I hold my hands up in his direction, and his eyes glint evilly. His gaze drops to my chest and his eyes darken as a growl leaves his chest.

I glance down at myself and squeak, trying my best to cover my body with my arms. But failing miserably. He eyes me hungrily, a dark look in his eyes that I rarely see.

He looked like he wanted to eat me.

He closes the distance between us, pushing my back against the cold surface of the fridge. His blue eyes shine brilliantly, swirling with blue and black.

He crashes his lips against mine, biting my bottom lip for entrance. I grant it to him, moaning when his tongue meets mine. He groans into my mouth, lifting me up so I could wrap my legs around him. I did so without hesitation, wrapping my arms around his neck.

A loud knock sounds on the door and Hades ignores it, kissing me with so much passion I could burst.

Knock, knock, knock!

I pull away from him slightly, sliding my hands down from his neck to his shoulders. "I think you should get that," I whisper against his lips, attempting to ignore his erection that was now poking me.

He shakes his head, his mouth searching for mine once more. "Ignore it. They'll go away."

I giggle, tapping his arms to get him to let me down. "It could be important."

He lets out a frustrated growl before setting me down gently. "Go in the room. I'll be there shortly."

I mock salute him, pivoting on my heel to take my leave before I realize something...

"You're going to answer the door like that?"

He looks down at himself, sighing in pity. "I'm sorry big guy. You'll have to get some later."

My mouth drops as a smile grows on my face and I fight back fits of laughter.

"Ooookay," I continue my walk to the room, stepping into the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth.

After cleaning up, I walk back into the kitchen where I heard voices. One is whispering aggressively, while the other was quiet.


The talking stops and Hades comes into view, all washed up and dressed. His hair is still wet from the shower he must've taken.

"What's going on?"

His eyes soften as he glances at me, sighing. He sends a command Ezio's way before walking over to me, taking me in his arms.

"We have to go back to the castle. Someone has been killed."

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