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It's been a two days since I was sworn in as Queen, hell—he even put a ruby diamond on my finger to signify my reign.

"My love, I must get ready," he chuckles, rubbing my back softly.

We've been in bed, locked in our chambers for the past two days. Insatiable appetites for each other.

I groan into his neck, wrapping a naked leg around his waist. "No you don't... you could always say that we're not done completing the swearing in." I trail a warm hand down his taut body, relishing in the feel of his cool-felt body.

"Samira," he groans lightly, "You're distracting me again."

I drag myself up, sitting on top of him. "That's a good start.." Leaning down, I press my lips against his gently.

"Your highnesses! A fight has broken out in the east wing of the palace!" A voice shrieks, piercing my ears.

I sit up quickly, Hades following suit as he grabs my hips gently to move me.

He stands, throwing on some sweatpants before taking ahold of a large shirt to place on me.

"You stay here. No arguments." He adds, already reading my facial expression. I sigh, nodding.

I didn't want to make any of this hard on him at the moment. Seeing as though he'd never leave if I didn't agree, and he'd put guards on me. Luckily, I'll be able to escape and join him later after he left.

He smiles, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. "Thank you," he whispers before taking off.

I slide the shirt over my breasts, grabbing a pair of pants to place over my underwear. My hair drifts down my back in reddish-brown curls, bushy and annoying.

I throw it up into a messy bun, huffing. "Goddamn hair," I mumble, stepping out of the chamber doors quietly.

I listen closely, following the shouts and screams.

Holy shit, I thought as I smelled blood. This must've been serious.

Hades voice booms across the hallway and I shrink against the wall, my heart racing in my chest.

His voice was always so powerful, easily making the most strongest people cower in fear. It had the same effect on me, but other than fear as an emotion, I felt power surge through me. Sometimes a little too intensely.

"Let me go, you pig!" A woman's voice spits, shooting out like venom.

That sounds awfully familiar.

"I can't wait to get you alone, you bitch." Another voice shouts back, just as much venom painted in his.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I caught her trying to sneak inside, Lord Hades. My men captured her and I'm taking her to the abyss."

"Lies!" The voice wails, panting heavily.

No...no, it couldn't be.

I hear slight shuffling, then complete silence other than the ragged breathing of the prisoner.

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