《Chapter 0》

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Me and Larry have been hanging out by ourselves a lot more, I kinda have gotten used to hanging out with him. I don't really have my mask on around him anymore either. I get this warm tingly feeling inside whenever I talk to him now. Ugh, but I'm with Travis right now I can't be catching feelings for Larry. I rolled my eyes as I looked at Larry, he was head banging to his music but I didn't want to today. I still had a headache from last time, "so how are you and Travis?" Larry asked. "Good his dad found out and tried to kill me" I said with a hint of sadness in my voice. "Everything will get better" my phone began to buzz when he said that. I pulled it out of my pocket and read the text 'hey sal, my dad wants to get to know you a bit' I smiled down at my phone. I replied with 'yeah definitely what time should I come over?' I waited a bit '6:30?' I agreed to the time before flipping my phone closed. "Who was that?" Larry asked, "Travis" I replied with a smile on my face. "Oh, that's nice I guess" Larry replied with the fakest smile of the century. I decided to ignore the fact that he was upset about something, I was happy I would meet Travis's dad without getting murdered. I looked at the time quickly '4:39' I looked up at Larry and he had been playing with his hair. "I should get going now" Larry nodded as I stood up and gathered all my things. I grabbed my mask and sweater, I pulled the sweater over my head and put the mask one tightening the buckles. I quickly ran out the door and to the elevator, I walked inside the elevator and clicked the button of my floor.


Sal just left and I immediately broke down into tears I had felt jealous of Travis and I have no clue why. I looked around my room for a bit before noticing Sals phone on the bed. I picked it up and curiosity got the best of me, I flipped the phone open and read off the messages. My eyes fluttered wider I got a rotten feeling in my stomach "this doesn't feel right" I said. I quickly got up and closed the phone, I got my red cotton hoodie and pulled it on. I ran out my door and to the elevator "I'm just going to stalk this 'dinner'" I said as the elevator carried me up.

《Back to sal》

I got to my apartment and walked into the bathroom, I looked at my mangled pigtails and took them out. My hair dropped to my shoulders and I sighed, I pulled my hair into the two pigtails once again and gave my reflection a nod of approval. I walked out the bathroom door and bumped into, LARRY?! I gasped before catching myself. "LARRY! What the hell are you doing here?!" he handed me my phone I sighed in relief "thanks". I smiled up at him before running past him to check the time '5:53'. "Bye Larry!" I shouted before running out the door. I began to sprint down the stairs and out the door I ran down the sidewalk and to Travis's house. I knocked on the door and the door swung open to see Travis and his dad. I smiled at them under my mask. His dad pulled me inside and I was immediately slapped, "leave my son alone you fag" he slurred my eyes were wide. "Dad come on!" Travis croaked through tears before I saw flashing lights and the feeling on burning pain. Travis's dad had ripped my mask off and punched me causing me to fall to the ground. My lip and nose was now bleeding and I didn't care I loved Travis aside from him being a total jerk when we met. I coughed a bit before trying to stand up "Sal listen, this isn't going to work I like you and everything" his words hit me hard. I felt my tears begin to bubble in my eyes, "Plus homosexuality is wrong" Travis's dad said with a gag. "Yeah..." Travis didn't like saying any of this I could tell but he fought his tears. I snatched my mask back and put it on, I began to cry my eyes out before running out of his house and bumping into Larry, again. I was crying under my mask, Larry pulled me into a hug before picking me up bridal style and walking in the direction of the addison apartments. I was crying the entire way there, I didn't know what else to do, 2 years on that boy gone.

Word count: 807

I hope you likes my first chapter of Larry x Sally Face I was bored while writing this so meh, sorry the chapter is short too.

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