《Chapter 1》

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Larry carried the blue haired boy in his arms all the way back to the apartments, Larry walked inside of the back entrance and sat sal on his bed. The brunette smiled at the smaller blue haired boy and sat in front of him.

《Larry's POV》

Seeing sal this way is making me upset, I don't even know what happened. "Sal take your mask off" I asked him, he unbuckled the clips slowly. He let the mask fall into his lap and I saw the bloody nose and the busted lip, I felt rage fill my body. "Did Travis's dad do this?!" Sal nodded "Travis is your boyfriend he should have defended you!" Sal began to cry louder. "He broke up with me Larry" my heart shattered with those words, that's why he was upset. I hugged him once again before tilting his chin up to look into his crystal blue eyes. I smiled at him "you'll get over him, I'll get the icecream" I said to him before standing up. Sal grabbed my arm and stood up as well "hey you stay here I'll get the icecream" I said he nodded and sat back down. I walked out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen, why did Travis leave sal, he always had liked him. I sighed at the thought of how miserable sal is, he really liked Travis heck I would even say he loved him. Thoughts whirled around in my head as I grabbed the icecream and a couple spoons, I made my way back to the bedroom. "Your favorite, chocolate" I laughed a bit "that's your favorite" he said with a small smile tugging at his lips. I handed him a spoon before opening the icecream container. Sal immediately shoved his spoon into the container and munched on the frozen chocolate flavored creme. My eyes were wide in surprise as he cried and ate the icecream. I dug my spoon into the icecream and put it in my mouth, I let the flavors process and awed from the magical flavoring. I smiled as the flavors swirled in my mouth before swallowing, sal snatched the container from me and ate it in like 2.3 seconds. My eyes were wider than ever as he chowed down on the icecream. "Would you lik--" I was cut off my the ringing of Sal's phone he answered it and his eyes lit up and the color restored to his face. I loved seeing him happy, a smile spread across his cheeks. "YES!" He yelled into the phone wiping his tears away, "okay see you then" he said with a smile. My face became sour when he said "Travis is coming over with a few of his friends to stay at my house". I put on a smile for him "yea okay" I said, "would you like to come with us?" He asked. Honestly yeah, but Travis doesn't really like me "sure" I mentally facepalmed after I said that. "Let's go upstairs!" Sal grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room and to the elevator. We got up to his house and Travis, a girl and another boy were there. Sal let them in and we walked inside, "Babe" Travis's words made me cringe "This is April and Marcus".  (Obviously fake characters, Travis doesn't have friends XD) I paid close attention to the new people I didn't trust April specifically.

《Sal's POV》

Larry was looking unimpressed with Travis's friends, but I was glad he wanted to get back together. I smiled at Travis and he smiled back, I jumped at him and hugged him he hugged me back quickly. I smiled at him before looking back at Larry he looked upset, "you okay Larry face?" I said happily. "Yep" his answer was quick but I ignored it, Travis kissed my masks cheek and my face became red as a beat under it.
*small smut*
I tore my mask of and placed my chapped lips against his, Travis grabbed my hips and began to kiss back. I put my elbows on his shoulders and ran my fingers through his soft blonde hair. Travis began to move my hips a bit, I began to feel something begin to poke me. My eyes widened quickly before pushing off Travis, I ran to the bathroom and gasped for air.

《Larry's POV》

Travis and Sal were 1 second away from fucking in front of all of us, oh my God. That made me think about me being Travis what the hell am I thinking, Sal is my bestfriend not my boyfriend or fuck buddy. Travis was kinda hiding his... oh God, he has a fucking boner. I bursted out into laughter, Marcus has been awkwardly shuffling around while biting his lip and looking at me. My face was heating up slightly, "you should go find sal" April said. April was a small fragile girl with black hair past her hips, with bangs her eyes were brownish yellow, and her skin was tanned. Meanwhile Marcus looked like a tough guy, he looked badass basically. His hair was a black as well but short and no bands just fringe that didn't cover his eyes, but his eyes were a green. Travis got up and ran out of the room, I sighed as April left the room and I guess went into the kitchen. They left me and this Marcus guy alone, but he stood up and I thought he was leaving the room. He wasn't he locked Sal's bedroom door and grinned at me. My eyes widened before pushing myself up and trying to push by him, I felt I needed to get out. Marcus grabbed my ass and I shivered, tears began to fill my eyes I was stronger than this. I knew I was, I blinked back my tears and I pushed him he didn't budge. "I've had my eyes on you for a while" his voice was raspy he turned me around, he was definitely stronger than me. My eyes snapped shut as he grabbed my bulge, "your a big one aren't you" he mumbled in my ear. I shouted "HELP!" I heard loud banging on the door after that, it was then I heard moaning from outside the door. My eyes widened, Marcus moaned my name in my ear. I gagged a bit before I tried to push him away, he kissed my neck and I felt tears running down my cheeks. The moaning from the outside of the door got louder it was a female, I heard a door open before loud screaming was heard. "SAL?!" I shouted before kicking Marcus he still didn't budge, I had only one option I quickly sacked him before unlocking the door and seeing sal crying. He was screaming atApril "you to-touched him in my house!?" He shouted through sobs. I ran towards him hugging him tightly, "what happened?" I tried to forget about Marcus. "She kissed my boyfriend" he sobbed into my chest rage filled my body. I glanced back at April she ran out of the house in a quick movement, I could tell she was terrified It made me laugh.

Word count: 1198

Ayeeee two chapters in one day!

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