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《Sal's pov》

I looked at Larry, he was about to pumble the shit out of the guard, I dont understand why he's so protective of me. It gets kinda annoying, the guard let go and began to walk away "leave the premise, or I'll contact the police" he said, we began walking away.

*time skip*

We got to the second store in the city, "hey sal?" Zach asked me "yes?" I replied. "Do you think Larry doesn't enjoy my company?" He said with a sorry voice "no it's nothing like that, just we have a ton of people in the house already" Larry said. Zach smiled "I see, well I have to go to parents to say hi later anyway" he said. Larry nodded so did I "so we should get to shopping now" Larry said "CLOTHES!" I shouted before running into the store Larry running after me. "This is how we got kicked out last time!" I heard Larry so I stopped running and began speed walking.

*after shopping I'm lazy*

We got home and put everything where it was supposed to go, I took off my prosthetic and we began shuffling around helping Zach pack for a week with his parents. When we finished Ashley and Zach left Ash was going to drive him there, "hey, me and Todd are going on a date tonight!" We heard the door close. Leaving me and Larry alone, for really anything to happen "so should I make dinner?" Larry asked I nodded a bit. My phone buzzed a bit I flipped it open and saw a message from Ashley and Todd, I read them aloud "Ashley said shes staying at Zach's parents over night" I said "and Todd and Neil are booking a hotel for tonight" I smiled. "So we'll be alone till tomorrow?" He ask I nodded, he smiled at me before pulling me close and placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

Word count: 323

Legit loosing interest in this f*ckin' book

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