Important A/N

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Hey I'm the writer of this book, I've slowly grown to dislike writing this book. I want to continue it but I need motivation, so I will try to write longer chapters but I might just unpublish the recent short chapters and combine them so it makes 1 long chapter. Get what I'm saying?
Give suggestions what I should write in this book I want to get to at least 40 chapters I'm technically at 11 not including the A/N's

I'm also working on another book if you would kindly go read that one I would really appreciate it if you could. Not only does that motivate me to keep writing it gives me pride in what I do, And I've always wanted to be an author since I was a little boy, I have always been fascinated with a world that's yours to bring together. I noticed that original stories get less attention than the fanfictions. I love writing fanfiction and stuff like that, but I also love writing original things. So please go read my other book I'm sure if you like this one you can like the other one!
Just take what I'm saying into consideration, I might just take a break from writing this thing all in total because of the low inspiration I have in it.

- Reaghan

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