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《Sal's pov》

I woke up and noticed Larry wasn't there next to me, I sighed before sitting up taking notice I was still naked. I stood up and quickly got an outfit put together and ran into the bathroom. I began getting dressed and I heard Larry stumble into the room giggling. I sighed and continued getting dressed, when finished I stepped out of my bedroom and opened the door. I was Larry with his hands behind his back, he smirked at me before throwing a box at me. It hit me in the face and I groaned, I picked it back up and began opening it. The wrapping paper fell onto the ground, it was badly wrapped. I opened the box and looked inside of it, there was a note in the bottom of it, or a ticket of some type. I picked it up and dropped the box, it was two tickets to a sanitys fall concert. I looked back up at Larry and smiled at him, "I'm taking you on our first official date!" He laughed. I ran towards him and knocked him back onto the bed pressing my lips against his soft but chapped lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I kissed him. Moments had past and we ended up getting comfortable and cuddling half naked under the bed sheets. We were watching some weird comedy show online that only Larry seemed to find funny. "And that's when I hit my face off of the wall!" There was the laughing in the audience before Larry bursted out into laughter. I looked over at him and he was laughing and crying, it was quite funny. "Your cute when laughing" I chirped before looking back at the TV. Larry grabbed my face a couple seconds later and forced me into a kiss. I let out a small gasp before kissing him back, he let me go and got out of bed. I looked out the window and saw a bird looking into the window. "Peaceful.." I mumbled before sitting up and pushing myself out of the bed. Larry left the room when we heard a knock at the door, I pressed my hand against the window and chuckled. I heard the small tweets from the bird before it flew away, I pulled my hand away from the window and left the room. I walked down the hallways and to where Larry was speaking with an officer at the door. "Is everything okay?" I butted in on their conversation, the officer nodded before leaving. "The concert is in a week" he said before leaving the house and slamming the door in my face. "Cuddles?.." I mumbled before feeling my eyes fill up with tears as my vision blurred. I backed away from the door and sat on the couch, I heard the car door slam before he drove off. I stood up quickly and ran into the garage, I got onto the bike in the garage and left the area. I peddled after Larry hoping he didn't notice. He got out of the car and walked into a hotel, I felt my heart sink when I saw him kiss a woman's cheek. I wanted to confront him but didn't at the same time... fuck it.. I stormed into the hotel and hid. "Love you Larry!" She screamed it for the entire hotel to hear. My heart slowly broke before Larry kissed the pink haired girl on the lips. I felt like death, I stood up from the hiding spot and walked up to the woman, grabbing her hair and pulling her away from him. I looked over at Larry before tugging her hair more and slapping him dead across the face. I dropped the girl and stared at Larry who was now trembling trying to speak. "I never want to see you again, got it!" I shouted at him, he was shaking. "Sal..." he mumbled, "don't "sal" me!" I screamed as I began crying, "I'm sorry.. she was my only opportunity to get the tickets" he to began to cry. I groaned before hearing the soft and feminine tone of the girl on the ground. "You told me you were going to ditch him at the concert, and marry me!" Her words struck me. I looked back at her before before kicking her in the stomach "Shut up!" I screamed before storming off, getting back on my bike and peddling away. I was crying the entire way home, when I did get home I threw myself onto our bed and screamed into my pillow. I curled up into the bed and hugged my knees tightly. I turned on my phone and texted Ash, 'hey can you come home already?...' I hit send and got an immediate response from her. 'What happened?' I felt the tears return to my eyes. 'I'll explain when you come home' I sent the message before hearing a knock at the door. I pushed my limp body from the bed and towards the door. I opened it to see two familiar faces, Todd and Neil, they noticed "what's wrong?" Neil immediately asked. "He-he.." I was stammering through my sobs, "cheated.." I mumbled before Todd screamed like a raging potato squid. "WHaT!?" He shouted as Larry pulled into the driveway, "sal I'm so sorry!" He shouted as he got out of the car. I felt sick, and tired. I ran towards him and pushed him, Todd stormed up to Larry and glared at him. "Listen sal I'll do anything" he begged me, "No..." I croaked. "I don't need you to do anything but leave!" I screamed at him before breaking down into tears.

Word count: 951

Have a new chapter, ;^;

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